Prostatitis called inflammation of the prostate gland. Currently, urologists are inclined to the view that prostatitis is not a single disease, and brings together several diseases of male genital sphere. This is one of the most frequent pathologies of the male genital tract, and according to experts, the percentage of men with prostatitis in one form or another, is constantly growing.

What is the cause of prostatitis, what are the first signs and symptoms in men and what is prescribed as treatment for the acute stage of the disease — learn on.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is the most common urological disorders in men of reproductive age. According to polls, one third of them at least once in life experienced symptoms that can be treated as inflammation of the prostate gland.
Prostatitis develops when the penetration of an infectious agent that enters the tissue of the prostate from the urogenital organs (urethra, bladder) or from a remote inflammatory lesion (pneumonia, flu, tonsillitis, furunculosis). There are a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing prostatitis.
Prostate: what is it?
The prostate is a round body the size of a walnut. Location of prostate in men between the anus and the base of the penis. For men's health this organ is so important that sometimes referred to as the second heart of a man.
Of course, if you have trouble with it, you can live a long time, supporting himself with medicines, but it is much better if you can maintain prostate health for many years. If you have any issues on this part of the treatment will be long and difficult.
The photo shows that this unpaired endocrine gland. With age it increases and changes its form, the maximum size at the rate of up to approximately 20 years, while remaining physiologically correct to 45 years.
Upon reaching the man of 45-50 years, the prostate begins to grow again, causing BPH. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is common in medical practice, a phenomenon that is similar to senile wrinkles, gray hair or reduced potency. The glandular tissue is responsible for production of hormones and prostate juice, muscle for the maintenance of the lumen of the urethra to the desired diameter.
The volume of the body as a whole depends on the male physique, but averages are as follows:
The normal size of the prostate | |
Width |
Thickness |
Length |
Weight |
Prostate involved in the formation of seminal fluid. The prostate juice contains proteins, fats, some vitamins, enzymes. Her secret greatly dilutes the sperm, enhancing the vitality of sperm and the passage of the long path inside the reproductive tract of women.

Signs and symptoms of prostatitis, as well as its treatment, is quite diverse, which is associated with the presence of the disease of several types. First of all, the prostatitis in men is:
Acute prostatitis
Sharp. Often has purulent. Signs of inflammation in men, both General and specific, are expressed maximally, and the causative agent is pathogenic flora. Therefore, the treatment of men in most situations is the appointment of antibiotics.
- introducing infection through sexual contact with an infected partner;
- the presence of the catheter in the urethra;
- surgical interventions in the urethra;
- rocks and sand in the kidneys.
This form of disease is relatively easily diagnosed and treated with antibiotics. At the same time among men is very common cases of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, which is more difficult to diagnose and has no connection with the certain defeat of an infectious nature.
The chronic form
Prostatitis with chronic develops slowly. Initially, the symptoms of a weak, worried little man, but over time it grows. Soon the slight discomfort becomes a serious problem. So at the first signs you need to contact the urologist who will help to get rid of inflammation and to drive it into long-term remission.
Also provide:
Infectious prostatitis. The danger of this disease is that the diseases affect not only the prostate but nearby organs (bladder, rectum).
Bacterial. The main reason is the weakening of the immune forces of the body, this may result in:
- diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes, etc.);
- hypothermia;
- a stressful situation,
- heavy physical load;
- bad habit, an addiction.
Causes are bacteria of some species. These include:
- E. coli;
- staph;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- chlamydia and Trichomonas;
- the bacterium Mycoplasma.
The first signs in men
The first signs of prostatitis that a man should definitely pay attention and address to the urologist:
- Severe pain when urinating. At the end of the process there is an unpleasant burning sensation.
- The increase in body temperature.
- The feeling is not completely empty the bladder.
- Discomfort in the area of the perineum and groin.
- Insufficient pressure jet during a visit to the toilet.
All these are the first symptoms of acute prostatitis. After a while they can go by themselves. But this should not rejoice. The infection remains in the body. Therefore, it must be treated to avoid further outbreaks of pain and complications.
The first signs of prostatitis in men in the chronic form is almost identical to the signs of the acute phase of the disease, but it additionally joins:
- a significant reduction in enjoyment of sexual intercourse, the so-called "blurry" orgasm, in which there is no previous thrills and total satisfaction does not occur.
- Man may notice how during bowel movement urethral mucus.
Prostatitis is an inflammatory change in the prostate gland and it should be understood that they arise not only under the influence of bacterial microflora. Causes of inflammation can be any of the factors that can lead to damage of the gland tissue and the destruction of its cells.
The main causes of prostatitis in men
- Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle impair the circulation of blood in the whole body, but especially in the pelvic area. Stagnant processes and are a common cause of prostatitis
- Infectious diseases. This can be how sexually transmitted diseases and infections such as tuberculosis, which affects several organs
- Trauma to the groin area
- Hypothermia is also becoming a common cause of inflammation of the prostate gland
- A variety of bowel diseases that are carried in the reproductive system (bacterial and infectious)
- Inflammatory processes of adjacent tissues and organs.
Some factors increase the risk of developing the disease:

- young and middle age;
- episodes of prostatitis that occurred in the past;
- infection of the bladder and urethra;
- injury of the pelvis: most often they happen during Cycling and horse riding;
- dehydration (lack of fluids in the body, most often due to various diseases, works in high temperatures);
- the use of a urinary catheter (a special tube that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder – used for various diseases during and after surgery);
- promiscuity, unprotected sex;
- frequent stress;
- heredity: some genes may make a man more susceptible to development of inflammation in the prostate gland.
The symptoms of prostatitis
All the symptoms of prostatitis can be divided into 3 large groups:
- Dysfunction of the urinary apparatus. Another way this group of signs is called "dysuric disorders." Should it also include the symptoms that indicate the development in the prostate the inflammatory process.
- Violations of the sexual sphere, specific for prostatitis.
- Changes in the nervous system caused by the primary process. Features of the disease.
Regardless of the disease there are several basic symptoms:
- the body temperature from 37 to 40 degrees;
- body aches, chills;
- a burning sensation in the urethra;
- pain when urinating;
- General weakening of the body;
- sleep disturbances and psychological state, increases the likelihood of stress and depression;
- change the color of urine;
- pain in the anus;
- disorders of erection, impotence rarely;
- premature ejaculation.
Pain attacks when the prostate can be long and short. If they do not go away for a long period, the quality of life of men decreases significantly. He is being tormented by neuroses.
Pain when prostatitis occurs in the following cases:
- At the time of an erection.
- During urination.
- In a moment of intimacy.
- In the process of defecation.
- After severe hypothermia.
- Due to excessive physical exertion
Signs of acute prostatitis in men
There are three stages of acute prostatitis, which is characterized by a certain clinical picture and morphological changes:
- Acute catarrhal prostatitis. Patients complain of palpitations, often painful urination, pain in the sacrum and perineum.
- Acute follicular. Pain becomes more intense, sometimes radiating to the anus, worse during defecation. Urination difficult, urine flows in a thin stream. In some cases, there is retention of urine. Low-grade fever or mild hyperthermia.
- Acute prostatitis. Expressed General intoxication, hyperthermia to 38-40°C, chills. Dizuricheskie disorder, often acute urinary retention. A sharp, pulsating pain in the perineum. The difficulty in defecation.
What other symptoms of prostatitis see at men?
- They often suffer from disorders of sexual function. Initially slightly decreased libido, weakened erection.
- If the inflammation affects the testicles, a man may complain of premature or painful ejaculation.
- The sexual act becomes short and the recovery takes much longer.
- In the later stages of prostatitis can lead to impotence, which in many cases is the main motive for seeking treatment.
The symptoms of chronic
Perhaps the patient had no pronounced acute period of the disease, passing it, passing into the chronic form.
In this case, the symptoms are as follows:
- Dull pain in the anus after defecation, radiating to coccyx;
- Regular or irregular pain in the groin;
- The trips to the toilet do not cause much trouble, but to begin with urination have little to strain the stomach. The patient does not pay much attention to it;
- Sometimes after urinating there remains a burning sensation in the urethra.
The first signs of chronic prostatitis may manifest themselves over a long period. Can disappear, then come back to haunt them again.
The majority of men, inflammation of the prostate does not manifest itself explicitly. Being in the hidden state, the symptoms of prostatitis occur only a few mild disorders:
- frequent urination,
- periodic discharge from the urethra,
- burning and itching in the ureter,
- reduced potency,
- the falling quality of sperm and, consequently, inability to conceive,
- as well as pain in the pubic area, perineum and genital organs.
The consequences
Possible complications of prostatitis include:
- the bacteremia – bacterial infection of the blood;
- epididymitis – inflammation of epididymis;
- abscesses of the prostate – in the prostate formation of cavities filled with pus;
- violations of sperm and infertility is a complication more specific to chronic prostatitis;
- the increase in the blood level of prostate specific antigen (PSA).
BPH, which is benign education also often develops as a consequence of prostatitis. If an adenoma and surgical intervention is inevitable.

The most serious complication of prostatitis in men – prostate cancer, which is fraught with most serious consequences.
Treatment of prostatitis in men
Treatment of prostatitis is depending on the form of the disease. Acute inflammation is an indication for hospitalization in the urology hospital for chronic patients undergoing therapy at home. If the cause of the disease was a sexually transmitted infection, prescribed antibiotics should take both partners.
In the treatment of acute prostatitis important immediate for systemic antibiotic treatment. Most often the attending physician assigns the patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones. In cases of prostatitis are caused by sexually transmitted diseases treatment also includes receiving Ceftriaxone, doxycycline, etc.
The main groups of drugs include:
- Antibiotics. Used in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories, syrups and other types.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Analgesics.
- Drugs to enhance immunity.
- Vitamins.
- Anti-stress medication.