If a person has been diagnosed with prostatitis, they should start treatment immediately. Inflammation of the prostate gland is not uncommon, according to statistics, more than 50% of men experience it throughout their lives. The prognosis of the disease depends on how timely the treatment was started. If it is not eliminated in the acute stage, chronic prostatitis occurs. Whether it can be cured or not is difficult to predict for sure.
Description and symptoms
A man's body has a prostate gland, in other words, the prostate. She is responsible for the synthesis of male sex hormones. The gland is characterized by an impressive number of ducts into which bacteria and viruses can enter, provoking an infection. The inflammation spreads to soft tissues, which provokes an increase in the size of the organ and pressure on the pelvic area. This process is called prostatitis.
Symptoms of the disease are individual in nature and depend on the neglect of the disease and its subspecies. If the disease becomes chronic, pain and discomfort are found in the lower abdomen. Signs can appear spontaneously and sometimes last for a long time. In some cases, the pain radiates to the lower back and groin. Actual dysfunction and erection problems develop. Urination slows down, this process is accompanied by pain.
Key symptoms:
- manifestation of cystitis, frequent urination;
- soreness in the lower abdomen, lower back and scrotum;
- sexual dysfunction;
- adverse change in sperm quality and quantity.
To understand if chronic prostatitis can be cured, a comprehensive examination should be performed.

Reasons for occurrence
Prostatitis can present itself for several reasons. First of all, this is an infection or stagnation. All this interferes with the normal functioning of the prostate gland, which is why it increases in size and becomes inflamed. When a pathology occurs, a man experiences pain, discomfort, as with cystitis. Also impotence joins. Infectious agents that lead to such phenomena: bacteria, viruses, fungi.
Many patients who do not heal the acute form of the disease in time are forced to think about whether chronic prostatitis can be treated. The curable forms are those that first appeared. But chronic pathologies have a chance to be cured. The main causes that lead to the onset of chronic prostatitis also include a sedentary lifestyle and traumatic damage to the prostate gland.
You can also highlight:
- promiscuous sex life;
- interrupted intercourse;
- frequent drinking and smoking;
- tiredness;
- decrease in the body's defenses.
Is it possible to cure prostatitis or not, it becomes clear after the first course of antibiotic therapy and the analysis of culture for microflora.

Treatment Recommendations
Prostatitis symptoms often make themselves felt after 35 years. Men in such a situation often endure pain and discomfort, attributing adverse symptoms to injury, poor-quality food and bowel problems. However, they do not think about the fact that they may have chronic prostatitis. With timely referral to specialists, you can get rid of it forever. This probability is 90%. First of all, you need to visit a urologist. The chronic form of the disease will have to be treated for a long time and the patient will need the most responsible approach to business.
Trying to understand whether prostatitis can be completely cured, men often listen not to a doctor, but to acquaintances who recommend using dubious methods for this. The disease is not always bacterial in nature.
If it was caused by a pathogenic microflora, antibiotics are used therapeutically. If stagnation has provoked the disease, the corresponding group of drugs is used.Inflammation requires the appointment of physiotherapy, transrectal massage. The latter is performed by a specialist and appointed in courses of 10-15 sessions.
Traditional medicine can also be considered an effective supplement. There are3 key steps to overcome the disease:
- Go to urologist or andrologist.
- Undergo a detailed examination, which will allow you to get a picture of the patient's condition.
- Receive an individualized treatment based on various types of procedures and medications, go through it to the end.
No specialist can tell at the first appointment whether the prostate can be completely cured. First you need to determine the stage of the disease.
Antibacterial, hormonal drugs, and means for strengthening the immune system are mainly used to eliminate inflammation of the prostate. Physiotherapy procedures have also proven themselves well. Provided that treatment was started at the initial stage of the disease, it is possible to return the gland to its normal state.
Before prescribing a particular therapy option, you should figure out which factor triggered the inflammation. Home remedies are allowed as an additional method of controlling ailment and for preventing relapse. Before taking antibiotics, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test to their active ingredients.
Various antibacterial drugs are used for prostatitis, but concomitant bacteriological culture of the gland is required. It is carried out on a regular basis to assess the effectiveness of the treatment course. There is no need to kill microflora if chronic prostatitis was caused by congestion in the pelvic organs. Alternative methods of treatment are also appropriate here.

Medication use
Antispasmodics are prescribed to reduce swelling and soreness. Also, patients are prescribed a drug to give smoothness and elasticity to the walls of the gland. This contributes to the accelerated recovery of the organ. Pain relievers are used for acute pain. Blockade is very effective. In some cases, with its help, it is possible to get rid of pain for up to six months.
Rectal suppositories are a common formulation for the treatment of prostatitis. Such candles are easy to store, while quite effective. Antibiotics are prescribed not only in pill form, but also in injectable form. They have anti-inflammatory properties and destroy pathogenic flora.
The main groups of these drugs are:
- penicillins;
- fluoroquinolones;
- cephalosporins;
- macrolides;
- tetracyclines.
Microclysters are widely used. In this case, a medicinal solution is used, which is injected directly into the rectum. It reaches the prostate gland and has a beneficial effect on it.

Transrectal massage and physiotherapy
For chronic prostate lesions, this type of massage seems to be effective. It is usually done as a preventive measure once a month. After 30 years, such manipulation is recommended for all men, as it maintains a full intimate life.
You can massage yourself, but you need to have certain skills. It is better to entrust it to a specialist working in the clinic. In stores, you can find special devices for performing the procedure at home, so any man can do it himself. If there is pain, do not massage.
Physiotherapy manipulations are an excellent addition to complex treatment. Today, diathermy is used, in which heating is carried out with a high frequency current or by means of microwaves. The manipulation is aimed at eliminating spasm and inflammation. Another effective method is darsonvalization. The procedure is based on the use of high frequency currents. They relieve tension in tissues, eliminate damage, normalize the functions of the nervous system. The procedure normalizes blood circulation, which is especially important for congestive prostatitis.
Ultrasound is used to warm the affected area and has an antibacterial effect, fighting germs. Electrophoresis is used to deliver drug components to a specific location.
Folk remedies

Various baths, decoctions and infusions of plants have a beneficial effect on the prostate. After using antibiotics, this will not be superfluous, because the body is in need of recovery. Folk recipes are always used in combination with medicines.
There are a number of proven recipesavailable at home:
- Aspen bark is harvested, preferably in spring, when it is up to 5 mm thick, dried and poured with vodka. Leave in a dark room for 2 weeks. After the specified period, the drug is filtered, drunk 3 times a day. However, you only need to take a few drops of such a product and add it to plain water (half a glass). The course is 2 months.
- A mixture of herbs is collected, which includes chamomile, licorice root, parsley, fennel. It is enough to take 1 tbsp. l. each component and mix. One spoon of the finished composition is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The product will be ready in 30 minutes. Drink 4 glasses in the morning and before bedtime.
- Finely chop the parsley root. Pour a quarter liter of boiled water for 4 tbsp. l. raw materials. Leave overnight, then filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. after meal.
- Ginseng has a beneficial effect on prostate and bladder function. It eliminates pathogens, relieves inflammation. On sale you can find ready-made tincture for alcohol or make tea based on ginseng.
- Aloe juice is used to get rid of edema. It is a natural analgesic and healing agent, which also improves tissue microcirculation. Take 500 g of aloe, 500 ml of honey and the same amount of wine. The leaves are crushed, the components are mixed and placed in a glass container. Leave for 7 days in the refrigerator, then filter. The first week is taken three times a day for 1 tsp, then - 1 tbsp. l.
- Asparagus juice is used to restore potency. The total volume required throughout the day is 600 ml.
- Propolis resembles glue in appearance and has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, constricts arteries and capillaries in the area of inflammation. To make a healing potion, rub 10 g of propolis, mix alcohol and honey heated in a steam bath. Store in a dark room.

Diet and exercise
Making lifestyle changes is imperative. They relate to both eating habits and sports. With inflammation of the prostate gland, you can not eat fatty and sweet foods, pickles and marinades, smoked meats, strong tea and coffee. Cakes, cakes and semi-finished products are prohibited. A healthy diet is based on the use of fermented milk products, seafood, fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs. If you want something sweet, you can add a small amount of honey to your meals and drinks.
You should give up bad habits - the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking. Staying active is essential to combat an illness. To combat stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, running and swimming are recommended. There is a special set of exercises that includes squats. Hardening strengthens the immune system, especially dousing with cold water. Thanks to it, blood circulation improves.
Patient Reviews
- When I fell ill with prostatitis, I could not believe that it happened to me. It all started with frequent trips to the toilet, then urinating became painful. Thought he might have contracted a venereal disease.
I was treated by three doctors, but the pills they prescribed to me didn't make it any easier. Quite by chance I found a specialist in the regional clinic, who put me on my feet. It turns out that the disease is simple, but the doctor's experience plays an important role.
If you have symptoms of prostatitis, you can not delay the visit to the urologist. I hesitated for a long time, coming up with various excuses. Acute prostatitis turned into a chronic form in me, and all because I was afraid to get tested. They are actually pretty simple. The main role is played by bacterial culture, PCR for latent infections. You also need to pass a bacterial culture of urine and semen. Some doctors do not even refer patients for these tests. We must run away from such. The treatment here can be difficult and lengthy, but you can recover forever.
For prostatitis, I was offered to be treated with high-frequency currents, but somehow I did not have confidence in them. I insisted that normal medications be prescribed. The examination revealed that there are minor pathological changes. Now, after a course of treatment, there are almost no symptoms.