All diseases existing in the world are classified into one system, which is simply called ICD-10. For people far from the world of medicine, information about the position of prostatitis in the ICD-10, the purpose of creating a pathology encryption system, can be interesting and useful.
What is ICD-10
ICD literally stands for International Classification of Diseases. It includes all pathologies officially registered to date, subdivided depending on the system in which the organ affected by the disease is included: urogenital, circulatory, nervous, etc.
The author of such a system is William Farr, thus creating an international language for doctors around the world. In addition, today, encryption of pathologies is a way to protect a person's personal information from the intervention of third parties. For example, in a certificate for work or study, the doctor does not indicate the name of the illness he has suffered, but writes a code that will not give any unnecessary information to a person who does not have medical education and a three-volume ICD reference book.
The number 10 after the abbreviation indicates that the system has been revised for the tenth time. Revisions take place regularly to ensure that the classification is fully consistent with the results of scientific research.
All diseases have a numeric code: three-digit or four-digit. In front is the letter of the English alphabet, from A to Z, with the exception of U. This letter is used for experiments and scientific work.

Characteristics of the disease
The prostate gland is a small organ located in the small pelvis, between the bladder and rectum. It performs an important function in the process of urination and ejaculation, and also produces the main male sex hormone testosterone and a secret necessary to maintain fertile function.
With inflammation of the gland, the doctor diagnoses prostatitis, regardless of what became the provocateur of the process: a virus, fungus, bacteria or protozoa. Inflammation can even cause insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs. And the correct treatment must take into account the cause of the disease, so that the therapy is etiological, and not just eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
Prostatitis according to ICD-10
The disease according to the ICD is indicated by a code, depending on the form of pathology:
- acute prostatitis ICD is indicated as N41. 0;
- chronic prostatitis ICD indicates N41. 1.
The letter N in this case indicates the localization of the problem in the genitourinary system.
Additionally, the disease code may include information about the cause of the disease:
- if the bacterial form of organ inflammation is provoked by streptococcus or staphylococcus, the B95 code is added to the diagnosis;
- if other bacterial agents are found - B96;
- with viral etiology of prostatitis - B97;
- with another type of infection - B98.
If a person has several unrelated diseases, all of them should be indicated in his medical history. The first on the list is the code of the pathology that was treated in a particular case. If the patient is in the urology department due to recurrent inflammation of the prostate, the ICD-10 code will be indicated. prostatitis.
Causes and symptoms
There is a widespread myth that absolutely every man has an ailment and it is pointless to fight it. In fact, getting rid of pathology is real, it almost always arises as a result of violation of the rule of a healthy lifestyle.
For example, the bacterial form is almost always the result of unprotected sex or long-term neglect of the focus of chronic infection in the body.
The stagnant form occurs in people with a sedentary lifestyle. Regular walks at a calm pace and a minimum amount of physical exercise can protect a person from delicate pathology.
Symptoms of the disease may differ, but almost always there are three main clinical manifestations, called the prostatic triad:
- problems with urination: pain, nocturnal urge, feeling of full bladder constantly;
- problems with potency: erectile dysfunction, lack of orgasm or ejaculation, inability to conceive a child;
- pain in the lower abdomen, which can migrate to the lower back or groin.
In the bacterial form, the clinical picture increases due to an increase in body temperature and concomitant intoxication fever.

Types and stages
The disease is an inflammation of the prostate gland. In about 5% of cases, the catalyst for the pathological process is an infection that enters the organ with blood, lymph, ascending from the urethra or descending from the kidneys. In this case, acute prostatitis is traditionally diagnosed by ICD, designated as 41. 0.
In other cases, abacterial or congestive prostatitis is detected. The blood supply to the small pelvis is very important for maintaining the health of the male reproductive system.
Violation of blood flow occurs as a result of:
- heart failure;
- deposits on the walls of blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques;
- systemic vascular lesions;
- sedentary lifestyle.
Such a disease develops gradually, so it is almost impossible to notice its acute form, and patients are immediately diagnosed with chronic prostatitis according to the ICD.
Diagnostics and treatment
It is not difficult to diagnose the disease, it usually has vivid clinical manifestations, therefore, already at the stage of collecting an anamnesis, the doctor with a high degree of probability can assume this particular disease.
But the assumption can only be confirmed with the help of a comprehensive survey, which includes:
- biochemical and clinical blood test;
- complete urine examination;
- bacterial examination of the secretion of the prostate;
- spermogram;
- transrectal ultrasound;
- palpation examination.
Among all the procedures that allow a patient to detect prostate disease from the ICD, palpation of organs through the anus using fingers is the fastest and most reliable. This diagnostic method is at the same time one of the best methods of treatment. Prostate massage has been known for many years, and to this day, a correctly performed procedure makes it possible to quickly stop symptoms and restore blood supply to the organ.
Treatment for inflammation of the gland depends on the reasons that caused it. The bacterial form usually requires antibiotics. A stagnant type is treated with vasodilators, anticoagulants, vitamins.
Symptomatic treatment includes taking antispasmodics, antipyretic and alpha-blockers to normalize the urination process.
Additionally, traditional medicine and physiotherapy can be used. These methods have controversial results from various studies, so they should be used only in conjunction with the main treatment, which does not raise doubts about its effectiveness.
Possible complications and consequences
With inflammation of the gland, the process of scarring of the tissues of the organ occurs. That is, cells performing a certain functional load stop doing their job.
As a result, the patient is faced with:
- impotence;
- infertility;
- abscess;
- violation of the outflow of urine;
- the spread of inflammation to other organs and systems;
- changes in the immune status, the development of allergies and autoimmune processes.
Disruption in the production of the hormone testosterone leads to a change in the balance in the endocrine system, and the concentration of female hormones estrogen in the blood begins to increase. This leads to changes in the behavior and appearance of the man. His libido decreases, emotionality increases, the location of the fat layer on the body changes, and the size of the mammary glands may increase.
Most of the consequences of the disease are reversible: even with the removal of the prostate gland, a man can live a full life. However, he will have to take hormone replacement therapy.
Codes of other diseases of the prostate according to ICD
Prostatitis is not the only disease affecting the organ.
In the International Classification of Diseases, pathologies can be found:
- abscess, N41. 2;
- prostatocystitis - N41. 3;
- other organ pathologies - N41. 8;
- unspecified pathology - N41. 9;
- organ hyperplasia - N40.
The formation of the gland has a code according to ICD-10 N40, this category also includes adenoma. In the ICD, there is no diagnosis of adenoma, since in fact an adenoma is a benign formation, the growth of which causes an increase in the total volume of the organ, that is, hyperplasia.

To prevent the doctor from entering the ICD-10 prostatitis code into the medical record, you should carefully follow the rules of prevention:
- have a regular sex life with a regular partner or use barrier methods of protection;
- eliminate any foci of chronic infection in the body: sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the ENT organs, caries;
- eat properly;
- maintain an optimal level of motor load;
- do not overcool.
It is important for every health-conscious person to visit a doctor regularly for preventive purposes. When symptoms of pathology appear, it is important not to start treatment on your own, but to undergo a complete medical examination.
- "I was diagnosed with the disease 4 years ago. I saw the ICD prostatitis code in my card, looked for information on the Internet, and decided that incurable diseases were found in me. But in practice, the forecast turned out to be more rosy. The doctor explained to me that it is possible to cure the inflammation of the prostate gland. But for this you have to seriously try: give up bad habits, start exercising and eat right. And the main thing is to take all the drugs prescribed by the doctor and regularly go for a prostate massage. Although the therapy is time-consuming, it is worth it to restore your masculine strength and get rid of the constant discomfort in the lower abdomen. "
- "I am not well versed in medicine, so I never knew what the ICD-10 code for prostatitis was, and what the ICD was in principle. Two years ago, I was examined at the hospital with my colleagues. And I saw that in the column of the alleged diagnosis I had some numbers. But I did not attach any importance to this. It turned out that in this way doctors record patients' illnesses. I don’t know how to relate to this, because the language of doctors should be at least a little more understandable for us, patients ".
- "Many patients have a question: why does the doctor write down not the name of the disease prostatitis, but the ICD-10 code. The argument to this question is the position that the patient cannot independently figure out the alphanumeric code. To this I can answer that the patient does not have to independently study the records in his outpatient card. There are rules according to which the doctor himself is obliged to tell the patient in detail what disease he has been diagnosed with, what treatment will be carried out, what prognosis is expected at the moment ".
- "The information in the card is needed for reports and statistics, so it is recorded in the form of a cipher. Everyone knows that the doctor's handwriting is extremely difficult to make out, but after seeing the ICD code xp. prostatitis, the extra will immediately bring the disease into his system. In addition, the ICD is very convenient for patients planning to undergo treatment abroad. "