Prostatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the prostate gland in men that significantly impairs the quality of life.
The reasons for the development of prostatitis
The following risk factors exist:
- genital tract infections;
- weakened immunity;
- bad habits;
- irregular sex life;
- hypothermia of the body;
- sedentary lifestyle.
These factors contribute to the intensification of sluggish inflammatory processes in the prostate gland (prostatitis). It is easier to help a patient in the early stages of the inflammatory process than to wait for the clinical manifestation of the disease in the form of various impairments in urination, a decrease in the quality of sex life or difficulties in procreation.
Symptoms of prostatitis
The absence of complaints in most patients in the early stages of the inflammatory process in the prostate (prostate gland) is due to the small number of pain receptors in the organ itself.
Naturally, you need to consult a urologist when you are worried about:
- painful sensations in the perineum, in the lower abdomen;
- itching in the urethra;
- the quality of sexual life decreases;
- frequent urination appears (not always painful);
- have to go to the toilet at night;
- a sexual partner cannot get pregnant.
Also, fever, weakness, and the appearance of nervousness (including those caused by fears) are possible.
You should not postpone the start of treatment when symptoms (complaints) appear, which may decrease for a while, but will progress without medical assistance.
Complex treatment of prostatitis
For effective treatment, you need to consult your doctor. The diagnosis is based on complaints, examination data and test results. A high-quality examination guarantees success in the diagnosis (with the identification of its causes) and further treatment. The necessary examination can be done in a specialized clinic. If you already have the results of laboratory tests, ultrasound results in your hands, then the doctors of the clinic recommend taking them with you to your appointment. This will help you save your family budget and shorten the examination time.
In the complex therapy of prostatitis, the doctors of the clinic use modern highly effective drugs, therapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, nutritional recommendations. All this allows you to eliminate both the causes and consequences of the disease. Which leads to the fastest possible recovery of the patient's health.
Treatment of acute prostatitis
The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy, individually tailored to a specific patient in a specific case. As ancillary drugs, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs are used. Drinking plenty of fluids and bed rest are recommended. If it is impossible to urinate, a catheter is placed that removes urine. If an abscess develops, the patient undergoes a transurethral or transabdominal opening of the purulent focus.
With a severe stage of prostatitis, urgent treatment in a hospital is necessary.
Effective treatment of chronic prostatitis
The complex effect on the prostate gland brings good results:
- Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal therapy is selected individually based on the results of laboratory tests and the stage of the disease.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy.
- Preparations that restore weakened immunity.
- Massage of the prostate gland restores the structure and function of the organ, and improves the supply of medicinal substances.
- Exercise therapy increases the effectiveness of the previous three points.
- Nutritional recommendations.
Prevention of prostatitis
Primary prevention implies the prevention of disease as such in a healthy person.
- Fighting a sedentary lifestyle. Including exercise therapy.
- The most complete nutrition with the obligatory use of complexes of vitamins and minerals (trace elements).
- If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, then the obligatory use of a condom in sexual activity. And the rejection of oral sex (all the same microbes live in the mouth as in the genitourinary system).
- If you have a regular sexual partner, when infections of the genitourinary system appear (and this can be a complication after colds, and food poisoning, and lack of hygiene), synchronous treatment is mandatory day in and day out with the same drugs.
- If you and your partner practice anal sex, it is imperative to use a condom every time.
- Try not to have a lack of sleep whenever possible. Counteract Chronic Stress (There are many books written on this topic with results). It makes sense for athletes to control overtraining whenever possible. And try to avoid frequent hypothermia (experiment with clothes), which undermine the body's resistance as a whole.
- If your sex drive decreases, see your urologist to maintain a regular sex life.
Secondary prevention implies the prevention of exacerbations and relapses of an existing disease.
In addition to the above recommendations, it is recommended to add the following:
- To be examined by a urologist for hidden infections.
- Use drugs that improve the structure and function of the prostate gland.
- Treatment of any foci of infection, including sinusitis and caries.
- Limit alcohol intake if possible.
- The food should contain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber: vegetables, fruits, herbs, whole grains and always bran.
- Treatment of concomitant diseases that reduce the effectiveness of therapy. The most frequent and significant of them are diabetes mellitus, vascular disorders, metabolic syndrome, hormone deficiency (including the main male hormone - testosterone).