The main principle of prostatitis treatment is an integrated approach. Not the last place in therapy is occupied by physical activity - special exercises that will help accelerate the onset of recovery. But they must be performed correctly, according to the technique, and only after consultation with the attending physician.
In order to fully get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system, a man needs complex treatment, which includes a number of measures. This includes physical exercises, of which a lot has been developed at the moment.
How does exercise affect the course of prostatitis?
The prostate gland consists of 3 lobes, between which there is a gap for the urethra. Each lobe contains vesicular fiber and cortex, and the prostate is located under the bladder (sphincter). This entire system is closely interconnected, due to which it functions normally.
When the prostate is affected (there are many reasons, including a sedentary lifestyle, static postures), the fiber loses its elasticity, tone decreases, and the blood circulation is disrupted. Therefore, the blood is not supplied with the intensity with which it is necessary, and in small quantities. This deprives the genitals of nutrients. As a result, the synthesis of new cells slows down, local metabolism weakens.
When the patient begins to lead an active lifestyle (doing special exercises for the pelvic organs), the following happens:
- The blood supply to the genitourinary system is stimulated, against the background of which oxygen and other useful substances are fed.
- The functional ability of nerve cells is restored (prostatitis often occurs against a background of stress).
- Stagnation in the prostate is eliminated.
- The muscles in the perineum and hip joints are strengthened, due to which the genitourinary organs are in the correct anatomical position.
- The metabolism is accelerated, the structure of the fibers is normalized.
- The tissues become more flexible.
- The inflammatory process is reduced.
The effectiveness of physical activity for prostatitis has been proven by scientific research. The reason for this was the main cause of the disease - congestion in the prostate due to impaired blood supply.
Exercises for the treatment of chronic prostatitis
Gymnastic exercises for chronic prostatitis are aimed at stimulating the prostate gland and increasing potency. Basic exercise requirements:
- perform on a hard surface;
- place a roller or a small pillow under your head;
- avoid sudden movements;
- initially the load is minimal, but with a gradual increase.
Consider 4 basic exercises for chronic prostatitis:
- Take a supine position. Place your hands along the body, palms down. As you exhale, gently bend your knees and stretch them to your chest. Next, spread your legs to the sides as much as you can. On inhalation, return to the starting position. Run 15-20 times.
- The starting position is the same. Bend your legs at the knee, press your feet firmly to the floor. We begin to spread our legs to the sides, without lifting the heels from the surface. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. The number is 15-20 repetitions for 10 approaches. Break - 20 seconds.
- Lie on your stomach. Hands along the body. We begin to bend the right leg at the knee. After that, gently lift up. Return to position by straightening your leg. Repeat the same with the left limb. Run 12 times on each side.
- Standing position. Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands at the waist. Perform short squats. At the end point, stop for 2-3 seconds. Returning to the starting position without completing the approach, that is, keep your legs slightly bent. Quantity - 12 times.
Exercise for congestive prostatitis
The main goal of these gymnastic activities is to improve blood flow and increase immunity in the prostate gland. The main rules when doing exercises:
- the appearance of a warm tide in the pelvic area;
- do not interrupt the exercise;
- exclusion of sudden movements;
- try to completely tense and relax the muscles of the pelvis and anus.
Basic exercises for congestive prostatitis:
- "Walking" on the buttocks.Sit on the floor, straighten your back. Legs straight. We start the movement with the hips, moving the buttocks forward. Try not to help with your hands.
- Squeezing the ball with the hips.There are two ways to do it - standing or sitting. Place a ball between your thighs. It is necessary to alternately squeeze and unclench the muscles in the anal area. Exercise improves blood circulation. It is recommended to do gymnastics at different rates - fast and slow. Quantity - 20 times.
- Pulling the legs up.Take a sitting position on the floor. Place a gymnastics mat under the buttocks. Tilt the body back a little. Fix the position with your hands. We begin to gradually lift the straightened legs from the surface, reaching 15 cm, after which it is necessary to bend them at the knees and reach the chest. Repeat 10-20 times. This exercise is considered difficult for people who are overweight. Therefore, reps can be divided into 3 sets.
- Active foot movements.Starting position - lying on your back. Straighten your legs, heels and toes together. Keep your hands along the body. Begin to gradually raise and lower your feet. After that, the pace must be accelerated. The number of movements is 20 times.
- Jumping.Do 10 bounces. At the same time, it is recommended to bend your knees and try to stretch them to the chest. Repeat after a 1 minute break 3 more times.
- Running in place.The main thing here is to raise your legs as high as possible (to chest level). Time is 2-3 minutes.
- Scissors.Sit on the floor with your torso slightly tilted back. Raise your feet 10 cm from the floor. Swing your limbs 20 times.
- A bike. Lie on the floor. Hands under the lower back. Raise your legs up and bend your knees slightly. Begin to simulate pedaling. Time is 4-5 minutes.
- Boat.Lying on your stomach, lift your arms and legs up. For the best effect, start gently swinging back and forth.
- Slopes.Become straight. On exhalation, lower the body as much as possible, trying to touch the floor with your fingers. In this position, hold for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times.
Exercises for Sedentary Patients
A sedentary lifestyle leads to chronic prostatitis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out a set of exercises daily that can be performed at the workplace:
- Sit on a chair. Put your hands together and put them on your stomach (below the navel). Take a deep breath and press with your hands. It is necessary to repeat the exercise until a feeling of warmth appears in the groin area.
- Tighten and relax the muscles in the anal area. In this case, you can slightly move your hips in a circle.
- Respiratory exercise. While inhaling, you should hold your breath. It is advisable to use not only the chest, but also the abdomen. Repeat 10 times.
Kegel exercises
Another type of physical therapy is Kegel exercises. They are aimed at:
- strengthening the muscles of the pelvis;
- reduction of pain syndrome;
- normalization of an erection and an increase in the duration of intercourse;
- improved blood flow.
Exercise types:
- Delayed urination. In this case, it is necessary to strain the buttocks as much as possible, then relax and continue the process. You need to do it 2-3 times in one trip to the toilet.
- Holding your breath for 15 seconds, contract your gluteal muscles. Relax as you exhale. Run several times.
- Feet shoulder width apart. Begin to lightly clamp the buttocks, then gradually increase the force.

The main thing to get the effect is to exercise in the morning, when the penis is in a state of erection. Also, try to spend more time walking in the fresh air, swimming, jogging and cycling.
Some people are skeptical about this type of spiritual practice. But the mistake is that yoga is not only meditation, but has special postures that require certain skills and physical training. Correctly performed postures have a beneficial effect on treatment (relieve inflammation, supply tissues with useful substances, improve blood circulation and the erection process).
Let's look at a few simple exercises:
- Lotus position. Sit on the floor. Place your right foot under your left lower thigh, and your left leg under your right. In this position, you should sit for about 15-20 minutes. If you want to complicate the exercise a little, then the feet should be placed on the top of the thighs. Soak in the pose for 5-10 minutes.
- Sit on the floor. Take one of the legs in your hands (by the ankle or heel), start lifting your leg, helping with your hands, to your face. Try to throw your leg back over your head. Eliminate sudden movements. If you feel pain, stop exercising and choose another exercise.
- Take a horizontal position on your back. Place your hands on the surface. Raise your slightly bent legs and move them behind your head until your toes touch the floor. At the end point, linger for 10-15 seconds.
- Lie on your stomach. Lock your hands behind your head. Start lifting the body. Stop at the point for 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat several times.
- The starting position is the same. Wrap your arms around your ankles. Raise your body and legs. Keep your arms and back tense. You should also tighten your buttocks. Soak for 10 seconds. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Rest time - 1 minute.
All movements are performed smoothly. Take your time to do gymnastics as soon as possible. Relaxing exercises should be done before each workout.
In this gymnastics, most of the load falls on the pelvis. Exercise should be done 4-5 times a week in the morning or at bedtime.
- Sit in lotus position. Straighten your back, do not throw your head back. Place your hands on your knees. Perform circular movements with the body using the pelvis. Make 10 clockwise and 10 counterclockwise circles. This exercise restores urination, relieves pain thresholds, and strengthens the internal organs of the pelvis. Watch your breathing.
- Take an upright position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Make 15 circular movements with the pelvis in one direction and the same amount in the other. This exercise improves blood circulation and restores an erection.
- The starting position is the same. Place both hands (palms) on your left knee. Begin to slowly raise the limb, pressing lightly with your hands. Reach out to your chest and set aside. Try to keep your balance. Stop at the end point for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Number - 5 lifts for each lower limb. Rest time - 1 minute. When doing gymnastics, focus all the tension on the pelvis.
- Starting position - sitting on the floor. Bend your knees and pull them to the side. Press your feet against each other. The heels should touch the groin. Keep your hands at your waist. Perform gentle knee lifts. It should resemble the flapping of wings. Watch your pace and breathing, exclude sudden movements. Gymnastics is performed daily. Helps to strengthen the groin area and urinary system, tone the pelvic muscles, relieve pain.
Other exercises
Comprehensive therapeutic gymnastics involves the implementation of a variety of activities.
Walking and running
Running and walking have worked well for prostatitis:
- A moderate walk with a gradual increase in pace. Warm up initially. Walk 100 meters at a steady pace, then increase your speed. The maximum distance is no more than 3 kilometers.
- Walk 50 meters at your normal pace, then jog for another 250 meters. After that, change running to walking and repeat the same for another 2-3 kilometers.
- Jogging with acceleration. Run 200 meters, then increase your speed and cover the same distance. Then return to the original pace. The distance is 2-2. 5 km.
Therapeutic gymnastics in the gym
When exercising with the help of simulators or sports equipment, do not use heavy loads. Use light weight attachments. The following activities are suitable for treating prostatitis:
- relaxing warm-up;
- shallow barbell squats - 10 times in 3 sets;
- forward lunges with weights - 12 times for each lower limb;
- lifting the torso on the "Roman bench" - 15 times;
- flexion-extension of the legs with a platform.
Try to pay attention to machines that use your legs.

Exercise to prevent prostatitis
The complex of preventive gymnastics can be performed not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also at the time of progression:
- Get on your knees and spread them apart. Feet together. Sit on your heels with your buttocks. Place your hands on your legs and straighten your back. Start squeezing the anus muscles for 5 seconds, then relax for the same time. If you feel discomfort, then the exercise is being performed correctly.
- Standing position. As you exhale, lower the body down. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then do a deep squat. Returning to the starting position, do the opposite (first straighten your legs, then raise your body). The number of lowering and lifting is 15 times.
- Stand with your back against the wall. With your knee bent, rest your feet on a vertical surface. Remaining in this position, do a squat (not deep). Repeat with the other leg. Quantity - 10-15 times.
- Take a chair or any sublime object. Place either foot and take deep lunges forward. Change the limb and repeat the exercise. Do it 20 times.
- Take a tight ball (soccer or basketball will do). Sit on top and perform circular rotations with your pelvis. For balance, you can hold the equipment with your hands.
- Lie on the floor. Hands behind your head. Perform a core lift with the right elbow reaching towards the left knee and vice versa. Maintain a moderate pace.
Possible contraindications
Before carrying out any type of exercise, you should remember about the contraindications for which therapeutic exercises are prohibited. These include:
- increased body temperature;
- infectious and inflammatory processes;
- high blood pressure;
- the rehabilitation period after operations;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- stroke and heart attack.
In addition to these contraindications, there are conditions during which the patient should be wary of any type of exercise. You should also exclude increased loads.
Main pathologies:
- hernia (groin, vertebral or white line of the abdomen);
- exacerbation of prostatitis;
- malignant formations.
In cases of deterioration of the general condition, the appearance of pain, dizziness or other symptoms of malaise, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a specialist. You also need to remember that abstinence or, conversely, promiscuous intercourse is harmful to health.
Performing exercises for prostatitis correctly, you will provide the organ with normal blood circulation, due to which not only the symptoms will subside, but also recovery processes will begin to occur. Do not forget to consult with your urologist before starting classes.