Prostatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. The main signs of prostate inflammation are painful difficulty urinating, pain and erectile dysfunction. An obligatory component of treatment is herbal medicine for prostatitis, since this is the most effective method in the onset of the disease, when you can do without taking medications. Moreover, the most effective herbs for prostatitis are at our fingertips.
Benefits of Herbal Treatment
Before taking any herbal remedy, you should consult with your doctor. It is strictly forbidden to take any herbs for prostatitis, infusions, decoctions, etc. Only the doctor has the right to decide the appropriateness of the intake and what herbs to drink for prostatitis in men.
The main advantage of the phytotherapeutic treatment of prostatitis is the absence of chemical compounds that enter the bloodstream, then are absorbed and, in addition to the beneficial therapeutic effect, have a number of side effects. In addition, any drug is excreted by the liver and kidneys, which creates an additional burden on the entire body.
Herbal prostatitis treatment has its advantages:
- Phytotherapy not only has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland. Thanks to the components of herbal remedies, an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immunomodulating, restorative effect spreads throughout the body.
- Medicinal herbs have a milder, sparing effect in contrast to drugs. Naturally, you need to understand that herbal treatment is not permissible in all cases.
- Affordable treatment, making herbs for prostatitis in men the most affordable treatment.
- A great opportunity to be treated at home and combine the intake of medicinal plants with pharmacological preparations.
- The use of herbs is an excellent prevention of the onset, exacerbation of prostatitis.
It has been scientifically proven that the uroseptic and diuretic effect of some plants is no less effective than synthetic drugs, therefore, herbal treatment of prostatitis is indicated for any severity of inflammation of the prostate gland.

In terms of their effectiveness, herbs are often not inferior to medicines and at the same time are not toxic.
Herbs for prostatitis
One of the main aspects of herbal medicine is the use of fresh raw materials, since self-prepared herbal preparations quickly lose their beneficial properties and can, on the contrary, harm.
What herbs for prostatitis do experienced doctors recommend? What do herbs do to treat prostatitis? Herbal medicine for prostatitis has a number of useful, irreplaceable properties:
- Eliminate pain.
- Relieve tissue swelling.
- They remove the spasm.
- They restore the normal process of urination, preventing urinary stagnation and secondary infection.
- Promotes the improvement of microcirculation processes.
- Normalize and improve potency.

It is advisable to use only freshly prepared products.
Currently, the most effective herbs for treating prostatitis are:
- Ivan tea - has high concentrations of vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids. In relation to the prostate gland, it exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Moreover, beta-sterol, which is found in the plant, with prostatitis helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of inflammation, prevents the growth of fungal and viral infections, and also has a beneficial effect on potency.
- Ginseng is one of the leaders in maintaining and enhancing immunity. When treating prostatitis at home, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative effect. Saponin, which is contained in ginseng, has a stimulating effect on the activity of the prostate gland.
- St. John's wort - contains hypericin, which is not inferior to the action of some antibacterial agents. Flavonoids, which are found in sufficient quantities in St. John's wort, relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations, and terpenes significantly improve microcirculation, exhibit antiseptic, diuretic and antiviral effects. The course of treatment with St. John's wort can improve the erectile function of men. St. John's wort against prostatitis has not just a number of therapeutic effects, but helps a man to maintain his important and necessary functions.
- Yarrow - is indispensable as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent due to the presence of formic and salicylic acid. Herbs for BPH, such as yarrow, are the most potent at reducing inflammation.
- Marsh calamus - perfectly stimulates blood circulation, relieves inflammation, has a sedative effect. A very important effect of calamus is a pronounced effect on staphylococcal microflora. The use of calamus helps prevent stagnation of urine in the bladder and the development of infections.
- Parsley is rich in vitamins, has antimicrobial effect, antiallergic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their tone. Parsley is considered one of the most powerful herbal and detoxifying diuretics.
- Peony - has anesthetic, sedative effect. In addition, peony is extremely useful for increasing sex drive and eliminating potency disorders.
- Stinging nettle - stimulates sexual desire, and also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Plantain is indispensable in the treatment of chronic prostatitis because it has a pronounced regenerating property.
- Grushanka - exhibits bactericidal and diuretic effects. an excellent remedy for acute prostatitis.
- Burdock - a distinctive quality of such a plant is the elimination of scars, activation of the production of collagen fibers. In addition to these properties, burdock will perfectly relieve inflammation and remove excess fluid from the body.
- Pumpkin seeds are the best herbal prostate therapy. The balanced composition of pumpkin seeds can replace more than one drug in chronic forms of prostatitis in the initial stages.
In addition to these plants, it is recommended to take chamomile, echinacea, calendula, mint, celandine and succession. Such complexes of medicinal herbs for the treatment of prostatitis and impotence are extremely necessary.
Important! In each individual case, taking any herbal remedy requires clarification and consultation with the attending physician.
It should be borne in mind that long-term herbal treatment can lead to allergic manifestations, therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the timing of the course of treatment and the dosages of each individual herbal component.
Effective herbal preparations
Herbal preparations have an even more pronounced therapeutic effect. In such teas, components are optimally selected that complement each other and have the most pronounced effect. Urological collection for prostatitis is one of the mandatory components of treatment.
Herbal collection for prostatitis can be of different content and composition. When choosing the necessary composition, one should be guided by the symptoms of the disease, their severity and the general condition of the patients. The most effective herbal remedies for prostatitis are:
- A combination of parsley root and juniper berries. Such collection is effective in chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, it relieves swelling and inflammation, and also improves urine flow.
- A combination of horsetail and chamomile with an excellent diuretic effect.
- If with inflammation of the prostate gland there is a violation of erectile functions, a combination of chamomile, calamus, bearberry, smoke and St. John's wort will help.
- If acute prostatitis is diagnosed, it is necessary to take a mixture of celandine, linden, chamomile, St. John's wort.
Treatment of prostatitis with herbs is an excellent choice, since the effective effect of herbal substances on the activity of the prostate gland has been proven and confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

In each individual case, the dosage, methods of preparation of infusions, the frequency and duration of their intake should be discussed with the attending physician. Moreover, when medications are needed, herbal treatment should be a complementary measure of treatment. For any signs of exacerbation or deterioration of health, you must seek qualified medical help.
It is categorically contraindicated to use various recipes for the preparation of infusions, teas, fees obtained in sources not confirmed by medical specialists. The slightest violation of the dosage of at least one component, the time of exposure and brewing can lead to the production of toxic substances in plants, which will further aggravate the condition of patients with inflammation of the prostate gland. Only a doctor can recommend an effective herbal collection that you can prepare yourself at home or purchase herbal remedies in pharmacies.
Using hazel
Among all medicinal herbs, a special place in the treatment of prostatitis is occupied by hazel, which is also called hazel, since hazel is the most effective and effective recipe for eliminating the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland.
The uniqueness of the hazel lies in the fact that all parts of the plant can not only be drunk, but also necessary for the treatment of prostatitis.
The hazel fruit itself is a storehouse of zinc, which is indispensable for maintaining reproductive and erectile function in men. Hazelnut oil is no less useful, as it contains healing essential omega acids that protect blood vessels, improve blood flow and blood supply to tissues and organs.
Hazel leaves are rich in flavonoids, which have antibacterial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover, essential oils found in all parts of the plant stimulate male potency to a marked extent. Currently, the most effective herbal treatment for prostatitis is the use of hazel.
According to confirmed medical data, hazel with prostatitis has the following effects:
- Eliminates tissue edema.
- Reduces the severity of inflammation.
- It is a powerful herbal antiseptic.
- Prevents the development of infection due to urinary stagnation.
- Increases the general tone of the body and immunity.
- Eliminates vitamin deficiency.
- Helps improve blood circulation.
- Normalizes body temperature.
- Strengthens the muscles of the prostate gland
- Improves the process of repairing prostate tissue.
The optimal treatment option for acute and chronic prostatitis is a combination of hazel and drugs to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, prevent complications and prevent the development of persistent chronicity of the pathological process.

Tips & Tricks
Any urologist or andrologist who deals with the problems of diseases of the prostate gland will say that the treatment of prostatitis with herbs in combination with drugs is the best way of therapy. The main recommendation in this case will be strict adherence to all prescribed appointments, instructions.
Each doctor will say that the use of tinctures with the use of vodka is categorically contraindicated due to the doubtful quality of ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic drink. When preparing any infusion, only ethyl alcohol should be used without the addition of third-party substances.
If you need to collect plants yourself, you need to adhere to the timing of their collection, the rules for harvesting and storage. Like any drug, phytotherapeutic agents, if used incorrectly, can bring harm in addition to benefits.
The correct use of herbal medicine for the prostate in compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician will most effectively get rid of prostatitis and prevent the development of complications.