Prostatitis is a very common condition. And often men ask urologists the question "Can prostatitis be cured? "
The first signs of prostatitis are rarely taken seriously by men. They are mild, and representatives of the stronger sex often prefer not to pay attention to them. Frivolity in relation to one's own health can lead to many undesirable consequences. To prevent this, it is important for men to carefully monitor their own health, and in adulthood after 25 years, it is imperative to take preventive measures that will help prevent the development of prostatitis.
It is important to be aware of the first signs of prostatitis, to hear your own body, and at the slightest change, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. This disease will not go away on its own, and delaying a consultation with a specialized specialist can only aggravate the problem. With prostatitis, a man begins to feel problems during urination. Many have impaired erectile function and decreased libido. If you do not use the services of an experienced doctor, then in almost half of the cases you can get one of the forms of infertility.
If the prostate gland is not able to produce the required amount of secretion, this will lead to impaired sperm motility. The symptoms described below do not only occur with prostatitis. They can accompany adenoma or cancer. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination, after which an accurate diagnosis will be made by a specialized doctor and an individual treatment regimen will be developed.
The first signs of prostatitis?
The forms of prostatitis can be different, but the symptoms and signs of prostatitis in men are the same.
The first signs of prostatitis in men:
- due to squeezing of the urinary canal, urination becomes difficult;
- in the process of urination, a burning sensation, pain may be felt;
- decreased potency;
- accelerated ejaculation;
- erectile dysfunction;
- weakening of orgasm.
All these symptoms cause anxiety and general psychological depression in men. This is due to worries about problems in the genitourinary system. It is important if any of the symptoms appear, even with its mild form, to immediately make an appointment with a doctor. The stress that a man experiences due to health problems is an additional factor that weaken the body. This greatly complicates treatment, which becomes the cause of a progressive state of depression.
Many men who are confronted with the disease find themselves in a kind of vicious circle, from which they cannot get out on their own. Therefore, along with traditional therapy, doctors prescribe antidepressants, which can help the treatment process on a mental level and speed up recovery.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. This organ is also called the prostate. For the male reproductive organs, this gland is a minor part. It is located around and above the neck of the bladder. The location around the urinary tube is responsible for many of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. If inflammation occurs, the gland increases in size and begins to compress the urinary tract. This causes the difficulty that men have when urinating.
The main causes of prostatitis are as follows:
- with a large weight and a sedentary lifestyle, there is a violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which can lead to inflammation of the prostate;
- the penetration of infection into the organ leads to its inflammation; most often, prostatitis can cause genitourinary infections, less often - flu, tonsillitis, etc. ;
- penetration of bacteria into the prostate due to unprotected intercourse;
- injuries to the tissues and organs of the small pelvis (this disease is considered professional for drivers whose work schedule is associated with an increased load on the muscles of the perineum, as well as vibrations and shaking);
- low physical activity and frequent hypothermia can lead to inflammation of the prostate;
- failure of hormonal balance and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
- irregular sex life;
- delay in urination;
- interrupted intercourse.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems are greatly affected. Disturbance in the circulation of the pelvic arteries causes stagnation. The prostate begins to experience oxygen starvation, which creates conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Such factors cannot become the root cause of prostatitis, but they create favorable conditions for the penetration of infection into the prostate gland.
Often the causes of secondary infection of the prostate are inflammation in the rectum or urethra. Infection is ascending and descending. In the first case, microbes rise to the prostate gland from the external urethral opening. In the second, they enter the prostate along with the current of infected urine.
Bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet - all this has a negative impact on the state of the immune system. If the body's defenses are weakened, it becomes very vulnerable to infections and bacteria, which causes inflammation of the prostate gland.
Is it possible to cure prostatitis yourself?
Self-medication is something that in no case should be used when symptoms of prostatitis appear. Without modern diagnostic equipment and laboratory tests, a diagnosis cannot be made. Only a urologist can reliably assess the clinical picture. Self-medication will not only not bring the desired result, but it can also aggravate the situation.
It is important to remember that the symptoms described above can also be observed with adenoma, as well as oncology. Therefore, diagnosis is also necessary in order to exclude these dangerous diseases. It is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo treatment following his recommendations. Only this approach will allow you to get rid of the problem and avoid its dangerous health consequences.
It is important to monitor and take care of your own health. Doctors are always ready to help, it is important to just make an appointment and get advice. Modern medicine has methods of treating the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The sooner you seek qualified help, the faster your recovery will come.
Prostatitis is treated in a complex way with the help of various medications. The treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on the clinical picture and age. Therefore, one cannot do without contacting a medical center, and there can be no question of any folk methods, as well as self-medication.
Types of prostatitis
To begin with, it should be understood that the disease can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. In the first case, general malaise, an increase in temperature, is possible. Patients begin to feel pronounced pain in the perineum, as well as in the groin area. The sensation can be increased with bowel movements and urination.
There is irritability and increased excitability. This is due to frequent urination to the toilet and lack of adequate relief as the bladder is not emptied completely.
The chronic form of the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms. Many patients do not pay attention to the existing minor discomfort, do not rush to see a doctor. Both forms of the disease are characterized by completely different approaches to treatment.
Many men, feeling the deterioration of their health, do not want to admit this to themselves and turn to their doctors when the problem becomes serious and pronounced. In the chronic stage of the disease, the pain is not severe and goes away rather quickly. Fatigue occurs in any case against the background of a weakening of the body, but many attribute this to a lack of rest. It is important to undergo preventive examinations annually, during which specialists will be able to identify a dangerous disease at the earliest stages. This will allow you to start treatment immediately.
In the chronic form, changes in sexual life occur, the brightness of emotions during sex decreases, and the time of intercourse is reduced. White flakes appear in the urine that can be seen with the naked eye. Discharge from the urethra is possible in the morning.
If the acute stage of the disease is easy for modern medicine to defeat, then the treatment of the chronic form can be significantly delayed. When treatment is started in a timely manner, the disease will not lead to serious consequences in the sexual life.
How long is prostatitis treated?
Most men are interested in the question of how long the treatment will take. However, it is impossible to predict this in advance. It all depends on the clinical picture, the timeliness of treatment and the individual characteristics of the organism. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending specialist, you can cope with the problem and return to normal life. It is important in no case to self-medicate and immediately seek qualified help. Symptoms of the acute form can be relieved in a short time, removing pain and discomfort.
Where does prostatitis hurt?
As already mentioned, with this inflammatory process in the male body, pain occurs in the perineum and groin. Also, patients may experience a burning sensation in the urethra and lower back. When you have a bowel movement and passing urine, these sensations can be greatly enhanced. In any case, only a specialized specialist can make a diagnosis. Any symptoms are just a reason to assume any disease. Without a comprehensive diagnosis, no specialist will take responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment.
Who Treats Prostatitis?
Urologists are involved in the treatment of this complex common disease. Urologists have modern techniques that make it possible to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment. Depending on the causes of prostate inflammation. In accordance with the changes occurring in the course of treatment, the originally prescribed regimen can be adjusted.
How to define prostatitis?
It is impossible to independently determine prostatitis. If the above symptoms occur, the disease can only be suspected. It is important to see a doctor promptly. In accordance with the existing symptoms, the doctor will prescribe a number of studies, the results of which will help him establish an accurate picture and come to the only correct conclusion about the presence of a certain disease.
To make an accurate diagnosis in modern medicine, the following types of diagnostic studies are used:
- palpation - a physical examination that makes it possible to determine the size of the gland;
- ultrasound examination, which is performed transrectally through the rectum using a special sensor;
- a smear from the urethra, which allows you to examine the secretion of the gland, to determine the presence of bacteria;
- general urine analysis;
- ejaculate research;
- determination of the level of a special protein produced by prostate cells called PSA;
- bacteriological and cytological examination of urine;
- cystoscopy - a diagnosis that is used strictly for medical reasons and is used if surgical intervention is expected;
- urodynamic examination, etc.
All types of diagnostics are not used at once, of course. Urologists prescribe several of those listed, depending on the clinical picture. In any case, the attending physician needs to establish the picture of what is happening as reliably as possible. Only after collecting anamnesis and conducting examinations will he have the necessary data to prescribe an effective treatment and help the patient to defeat a dangerous ailment.
The above list of diagnostic methods can be not only reduced, but also increased. It all depends on the needs of the doctor and the suspicions that he has as a result of the symptomatology taking place. There are many treatments for prostate inflammation today. They are all suitable for a specific clinical picture and, if properly selected, are effective.
It is important to consult an experienced urologist who works at a medical center capable of providing a full range of diagnostic examinations. This is due not only to the comfort for patients, but also to the speed of information transfer, and the coherence of the work of the team. Among the drugs that are widely used in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, one can single out painkillers, antibiotics, which are necessary for the bacterial form of the disease. Also, drugs are used that can reduce prostate edema, and many others.
Only the complex therapy suggested by the attending physician will allow you to achieve the desired result and avoid a variety of complications. Contact modern medical centers, monitor your health with special care, do not forget about the importance of preventive examinations. This is the only way to maintain health for many years and prevent the development of various diseases.