An important step for restoring and maintaining men's health remains the treatment of prostatitis in the home. This therapy will help to cope with the problem. But do not neglect professional medical advice. First you need to consult a doctor to be examined and to identify the causes of violations.
How to understand that men prostatitis
There are some signs that should alert man. If they are, then it is necessary to go to the urologist. Diagnosis of prostatitis in the home is to "not view" the first warning signs.
The first signs of prostatitis
- Discomfort in the groin and in the genital area.
- Increased frequency of urination.
- Sexual disorders.
When aggravation of a condition of enhanced pain. There is a risk of exacerbation, which is accompanied by striking symptoms:
- pain in the lower abdomen.
- painful urination.
- significant deterioration of erection.
- General poor health.
- the increase in body temperature.
Quickly to help solve the problem of the medical method that is effective when using proven home techniques. When the infectious nature of the disease antibiotic treatment if caused by congestion, the main efforts are directed on their elimination.

How to treat prostatitis at home
Methods of treatment of prostatitis in the home, based on herbal medicine, massage, exercises that help to cope with the disease and improve men's health.
Folk recipes to help men
Treatment of prostatitis in men at home, based on folk recipes, help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve the process of urination, increase overall body and increase its resistance to any diseases.
Pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis
Pumpkin seeds are used to fight illness for centuries. Their healing effect is due to the large amount of zinc. The male body needs a daily supply of zinc in the body, it allows to preserve and maintain health. Used dried, but not roasted pumpkin seeds. They need to peel and to eat. For a course of treatment is usually enough of a pound of seeds. The course will last until the end of the "cure". Repeating the course every year, the risk of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis is significantly reduced.
The first option
Daily you should eat 30 pumpkin seeds. Do this before eating, thoroughly chewing.
The second option
Purified pumpkin seeds pass through grinder and add to them 200 grams of honey. All carefully mix and rolled the balls the size of a walnut. Daily eat 2 balls. Drink them before eating, and chew.
Recipes with sage

Wormwood is a plant with which to cope with any infection. How to cure prostatitis wormwood Is a comprehensive course that includes the ingestion of broth and lavage of the urethra. You will need 100 grams of dry sage, which is ground in hand and sift through a sieve. Fines are used for ingestion in a dry form, large – for broth, used to make microclysters and douching of the urethra. The result is a dual effect on the body, which is cleaned of pathogens, which leads to the cessation of inflammatory processes.
Dry wormwood with or without food take a pinch inside, squeezed water. Every day in the evening do microclysters and irrigation of the urethra with the help of decoction.
Decoction for douching and mikroklizm done as follows. One teaspoon with a slide dry herb wormwood pour a liter of boiling water. After cooling to 400C is filtered. For each procedure, you will need 50 ml of broth. Using a syringe to produce an injection into the anus and into the urethra. Injection into the urethra produce sharply that the liquid moved as far as possible. For each procedure you need to use a separate syringe.
Wormwood is a medicinal plant having wide range of effects, so before using you need to consult with your doctor, be sure to take into account all the peculiarities of the therapy.
Treatment juices
Effective treatment is carried out using juice. In combination with drug therapy, these measures show good results. Well established vegetable juices that need to be consumed daily to 600 ml. Fit the juice of carrots, beets, a mixture of cucumber and asparagus. Are taken continuously, the minimum course of 10 days.
A good remedy is juice from berries of black elderberry. Take once daily in the morning on an empty stomach one tablespoon for 10 days. Before make juice, you need to drink a glass of clean water. It is a medicinal plant that has side effects and contraindications. Therefore, without consultation with the doctor to be treated with elderberry juice is not worth it.
Bee products in the treatment of prostatitis
Effective means are candles made of honey or propolis. Keep them in the fridge. Use by inserting into the anus.
For the manufacture of honey candles need honey (1 teaspoon), egg (1 piece), flour (3 tablespoons). All mixed to form a candle. Use one piece twice a day. The course of treatment lasts one month, then a month and a half it can be repeated.
To make candles from propolis, take 50 grams of alcohol and crushed propolis, mix and insist 2 weeks without access of light, shaking the bottle daily. After insisting a lot was evaporated in a water bath until it become brownish-yellow. The resulting mass is mixed with cocoa butter to form suppositories. Treatment – one thing daily for 35 days before bedtime. To cure prostatitis at home with this method, it is possible for 2-3 courses with an interval of 8 weeks.
Massage for prostatitis

When disease or to prevent urologists recommend courses of prostate massage. It helps to cope with any form of chronic prostatitis. This is due to the improvement of local blood circulation and stimulation of the body.
Massage action
- Normalization of local blood circulation.
- Improving muscle tone.
- Ensuring the outflow of secretions.
- Improving the efficiency of medical treatment.
- Improvement of sexual function.
The massage is performed rectally or influence through the tissue of the perineum. The first method is the most effective. Access the prostate is via the anus, as it is only 5-6 cm from it. The procedure is simple, massage make your finger light circular movements with pressure. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist, because the prostate is a delicate organ and its tissue is easily damaged.
Massage of prostatitis in the home is done independently, using special devices – prostate massagers. They all have a size and shape to securely enter them into the anus and to perform the necessary actions.
An easier way massage is an external massage. It is less effective, but is no penetration. Performed by hand, pressing down and making circular movements in the crotch area. It is possible to use the massagers or the matching items. Good massager for external procedures is a ball for tennis. Put it on a chair, a man sits on top, and gently rolled it back and forth. The procedure is performed several times a day. Definitely should do this in the morning, immediately after waking up. Five minutes is enough. This massage when done regularly, will relieve congestion in the pelvic organs and the prostate gland.
To massage of prostatitis in the home provided essential curative and preventive effect and did not bring harm, it is necessary to know the location of the prostate gland, perform all movements very carefully, and be sure to take into account contraindications.
When you can not do prostate massage
- Acute prostatitis.
- The signs of malignant lesions of the prostate.
- The presence of cysts and stones in the prostate gland.
Instruments and apparatus for treatment of prostatitis
There are a large number of devices for treatment of prostatitis. They help to treat this disease at home without regular trips to a medical facility. Work devices based on different principles, but their impact is aimed at achieving one objective – the stimulation of the prostate gland, improve blood circulation in this area and decongesting.
Kinds of devices according to the principle of
- Vibration.
- Stimulating modulated currents.
- Magnetic.
- Laser.

Each instrument has its "strong" side. With the help of microvibrations faster and more effectively eliminates congestion, increases muscle tone, the magnetic influence more focused on analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effect. Manufactured appliances, combining several principles of work, they are more versatile. What kind of a device for treatment of prostatitis at home chosen depends on the specific situation, after consultation with a specialist.
To get the maximum effect, the device should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. The most important rule is that all procedures should be carried out regularly in full course, which is worth repeating after a while.
Physical activity vs prostatitis
We are all familiar with the phrase that the movement is life. Active movement, regular physical exercise are good prevention of prostatitis caused by stagnation. If the disease is already there, then good results in its treatment give simple exercises that it is enough to perform three times a week. They do not require special conditions and are a good addition to complex therapy will enable faster and more effective to cure prostatitis at home.
Squats vs prostatitis
A very effective exercise, restoring blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the prostate in particular, is regular squats. Ideally you want to squat 100 times, dividing the exercise in 2-3 sets with a short break. If at once it is difficult to perform the number of sit-UPS, their number should increase gradually. Sufficient curative load will squat three times a week. Sami squats should be deep, hands are rising up.
A few more exercises for treatment of prostatitis
- Lying on the belly is lifting direct feet (20 times).
- "Scissors" movement straight slightly raised from the floor with your legs in the seated position, hands in focus a little back (20 times).
- Lie on your back, pull your legs to your chest as high as possible. Clasp their hands and stay in this position for as long as possible, but not more than 20 minutes.
- Place your feet together, squatting down by one-third, pull knees alternately forward. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes every morning and evening.
A great exercise that improves the blood circulation in the pelvis, is a regular walk. Need to go at every opportunity: just a regular walk, move around for short distances on foot, climb the stairs instead of the Elevator.

Prevention of prostatitis in the home as necessary to prevent disease and to ensure that it is not passed in the chronic form, and not "overgrown" complications. If prostatitis is already familiar to the man, selecting methods of prevention it is necessary to consider its causes. Inflammatory nature of the need to provide timely treatment, the absence of precipitating factors, to raise immunity. If the reason was congestion, then the main efforts are directed to overcoming them and restoring normal circulation.
Prevention of prostatitis
- Active way of life.
- Timely treatment of any inflammatory disorders.
- Maintaining a normal body weight.
- A balanced diet.
- Regular exercise or physiotherapy.
- Regular sexual life.
- Preventive massage.
Prevention of prostatitis in men at home is physical activity. Men with sedentary work, more likely to develop prostatitis. Excess weight exacerbates the situation, as it increases the load on the bodies, as physical activity decreases. Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the condition of blood vessels and impair blood circulation, which affects the condition of the pelvic organs. The risk of prostate diseases increases. Prevention needs to maintain your body in good shape, prevent excess weight, stop Smoking and limit alcohol intake.

A balanced diet, when the diet contains enough fiber, vitamins, minerals, helps to maintain men's health. The diet must be vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, whole-grain bread. Useful variety of cereals, meat should give preference to low-fat varieties. The fish need to select fat as it contains omega-3 fatty acids – substances that prevent oxidative processes in the body. They help to support the work of the heart and to ensure normal supply of blood to all organs, including the prostate.
Regular sexual life is simply necessary for the man to preserve health and prevent prostatitis. It helps keep the prostate active and does not spread stagnation. How often should a sexual relationship, it depends on the Constitution of the particular man and his needs, shared recipes here.