Statistics show that sooner or later prostatitis ill one of the five men.
Prostatitis – a disease of the prostate gland, which is inflammatory in nature and requires immediate treatment. The main reason the occurrence of inflammation is poor blood circulation in the organs of small pelvis, or the spread of infection.

At the first signs of prostatitis (pain and stinging during urination, a violation of potency, frequent urination) should see to the urologist and start treatment. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic form, and even worse in adenoma or cancer of the prostate.
However, before you start taking medication, try to take a course of treatment of prostatitis folk remedies. They are able to cure this disease without side effects.
But keep in mind that the treatment of prostatitis in the home folk remedies may be effective only in the event of a serious and painstaking the implementation of all recommendations. It is important to understand that for 2-3 hours, the disease will not pass. The average course of therapy of the disease folk remedies is month, sometimes maybe more.
Treatment of folk remedies: the benefits of the most effective recipes of folk medicine
Prostatitis, and especially chronic needs long treatment. You must understand that the main place here is given medication drugs. However, the most effective is a comprehensive approach to recovery that does not renounce the use of folk remedies.
Treat prostatitis the methods of traditional medicine it is important in conjunction with classic treatment and adjustment of lifestyle.
Traditional methods of treatment of prostatitis have several advantages:
- no side effects;
- a high degree of portability;
- strengthening the immune system;
- excellent compatibility with drugs and other traditional medicines;
- getting rid of related disease.
The main purpose of the use of folk recipes for prostatitis full recovery and return to a normal male life.
With all the advantages of traditional medicine, you need to understand what to begin treatment of prostatitis in house conditions is possible only after consultation with your doctor, because sometimes the traditional methods can lead to allergic reactions to certain components or complications following certain exercise.
Folk remedies for inflammation of prostate in men
Traditional methods of treatment of prostatitis is a more hundreds of recipes to get rid of the ailment once and for all. Here and exercise, and herbal therapy (phytotherapy), as well as medicated bath and enema.
Herbal medicine
The most effective and popular (you can tell the people) a way to cure prostatitis is a medication based on herbs. In a word, herbal medicine. Herbal medicine helps to cope with illness and quickly get to his feet without taking medications.
Main therapeutic actions of herbal remedies:
- antiviral;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antispasmodic;
- antimicrobial;
- stopping the blood;
- analgesic.
And in fact, there are many more. If you are using folk medicine, it normalizes the immune system and increase sexual function of men.

Treatment with herbal medicine – long And it plays a role in advanced stages of disease. The use of drugs for such a long time may adversely affect human health, while traditional medicine contributes to its strengthening and improvement.
Herbal teas are not only useful, but also pleasant to the taste. When combined with the right lifestyle they can work wonders.
General guidelines for the preparation of herbal folk remedies:
- herbal treatment involves the manufacture of decoctions, infusions, juices, which can be used both inside and in the urethra; when combining herbal medicine with electrophoresis therapeutic effect is increased many times; if the treatment requires the preparation of an alcohol tincture, then you need to use the top part of the plant. In the case of cooking a decoction of the root;
- when using leaves, stems, flowers should be finely crushed to the size of 5 mm. in the application of roots and bark, the size of the particles should be no more than 3 mm;
- prepared raw materials in appropriate proportions, placed in an enamel container and pour boiling water. Further preparation the medicinal product is conducted in a water bath. The maximum time for infusion is 15 minutes. For teas this time you need to be tripled. Return the contents it is necessary to strain through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.
As already mentioned, the main cause of prostatitis is poor circulation in organs of small pelvis, which in turn causes stagnant processes. For the blood to circulate with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to encourage physical activity.
Against prostatitis developed a number of physical exercises. Here's one:
- The first exercise. Stand straight with feet together, shoulders back, tighten your buttocks as if you were trying to interrupt the process of urination. A few seconds of tension and then relaxation. 10-15 of such movements and you will feel heat in the prostate region. This suggests that what you're doing it right. The phase of the voltage do on the exhale, relaxing on the inhale.
- The second exercise is squats. Stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, bend your knees, the knees dilute a little to the side. Important the point here is that the back should be straight and feet fully stand on the floor. Try to perform 10-15 repetitions. Sit down on inhale, up on exhale. At the end of exercise can be further straining the gluteal muscles, to enhance the effect.
- A third exercise. Sitting on his haunches, alternately get one, then another knee to the floor. Begin on the inhale, return to starting position on the exhale. Do 10-15 times.
- The fourth exercise. Lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet fully resting on the floor. On the exhale lift your pelvis off the floor and heavily compressible gluteal muscle. On the exhale return to the starting position. Also perform 10-15 times.
- The fifth exercise. Sitting on a chair, squeeze between the legs of a small ball. The voltage phase should be carried out, on the exhale, relax, inhale make 10-15 times.
This complex will take you only 15-20 minutes and the benefits will be huge. After only 2-3 weeks of daily lessons, you will feel much better the symptoms will recede and you will feel incredible relief. So the choice is yours, spend a few minutes in the morning and get a positive effect or sit back and complain how everything is bad and do nothing.

Popular recipes treatment
Here are the most popular folk recipes for prostatitis:
- Sheets of ordinary birch, cowberry leaves and the nettle grass mixed in equal proportions with grass field ivy, the leaves of Potentilla goose and leaves of sage. The resulting dry mixture is to be thoroughly mixed. To prepare the broth take 10 g collection. It must pour 300 ml of Vara and 10 minutes to heat in a water bath. Let stand for about 2 hours, then drain efficiently. The decoction to drink the form of heat 1/4 — 1/2 Cup 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
- Flowers immortelle ordinary, black elderberry flowers, grass nettle, grass lnjanki ordinary, the fruits of Juniperus tansy flowers and rhizomes of couch grass to mix with grass, yarrow, celandine, and the fruits of schisandra chinensis in equal shares. Enough 10 g collection pour 300 ml boiling water, in a water bath to heat for about 20 minutes. It is then allowed to stand for 2 hours and filtered. The prepared decoction is taken inside the form of heat in one fourth to half a Cup 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
- The leaves of Wintergreen umbrella , Hypericum perforatum, fruits Juniperus, plantain leaves, bearberry grass celandine. To prepare the collection of each component is taken equally. Before use, the collection must be thoroughly crushed into powder and pour 250 ml of Vara and boil for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours and filtered. Take medicine for half a Cup of warm 4 times a day 20 minutes after eating.
- People's ways of getting rid of prostatitis suggest using Golden root. Second name Rhodiola rosea. To prepare the medication use only the root of the plant. Dried and crushed root of roseola should pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes on a water bath. Let stand for 1 hour and this tool take half a Cup twice a day.
- Effectively cures the symptoms of prostatitis celandine grass. Based on the juice of the herbs do alcohol solution. To do this, in the proportions of 1:1 join the juice of celandine and alcohol. The course of treatment is 2 months. For admission there is a whole scheme: the drug is taken only on an empty stomach. On every 50 mg of water each day add one drop of solution. Once the number of drops will reach 30, we begin the dose reduction. This method copes with the prevention of prostate, relieve swelling, inhibits the formation of polyps and other tumors, is a great prophylactic method of cancer, promotes good immunity.
- Sheets of ordinary birch, cowberry leaves, horsetail grass, Valerian rhizome and rhizome fragrant celery — equally. 10 g collection pour 300 ml boiling water, heated in a water bath 10 minutes, insist 2 hours. Strained decoction taken in the form of heat 1/2 Cup 3 times a day an hour before meals.
- Traditional recipes from prostatitis includes treatment of Kalanchoe. Recruit Cup Kalanchoe leaves, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 5 days. Make tincture should be once a day, one teaspoon. When the state becomes much better, it is possible to reduce the dose to one teaspoon spoons a week.
- There is another use for Kalanchoe. This is another way to get rid of the inflammation folk remedies. Approximately 100 grams of leaves of Kalanchoe you have to scroll through a meat grinder and pour 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. Infuse the mixture takes up to 20 days. At the end of time the infusion should be carefully drain. Three times daily take 1 teaspoon.
Treatment of prostatitis at home
The best folk remedy for prostate inflammation made nature itself:

- Aspen bark. This component of the decoction should be, first and foremost, properly assembled. Herbalists recommend to stock up on aspen bark in the end April, when appeared the buds and first leaves. So, the bark is collected. Survived by her carefully dried and milled. Take the capacity of one liter and fill 1/3 of the bark of aspen, and the remaining space is filled with water. The mixture was infused for two weeks, then very well filtered. Infusion take three times a day a tablespoon. This method of treatment has one disadvantage – it is quite bitter tincture.
- Parsley. This plant is a long time, human glory. It is truly a magical folk method of treatment of prostatitis. It is capable to remove inflammation and edema, maximally improving the condition of the men. Used in treatment of seeds and root of the plant. You can drink parsley juice half an hour before meals. Some ground the seeds into powder and then pour boiling water and kept on the stove for another 10-15 minutes.
- Pumpkin seeds. Even in the traditional treatment this product is not the last place. At the first sign of illness it is recommended to eat 30 seeds a day. By the way, everything else is a good prevention of prostatitis folk remedies. Great folk remedy for illness for men — balls with pumpkin and honey. They are made is quite simple. 0.5 kg raw pumpkin seeds scrolled through a meat grinder and add 200 g of honey. From this mixture, roll small balls. Mean they should resemble the average hazelnut. Every day you need to eat 1-2 balls. The main thing condition – not to swallow and dissolve. The balls are not spoiled, keep them in a cool place.
- It is possible to grind pumpkin seeds in a blender until almost a powder. Take two tablespoon half an hour before eating, drinking plain water or water with honey, which is preferable. This is one of the most effective folk remedies for inflammation of the prostate in men. Only one course a year.
- Popular and effective popular method for prostatitis is garlic. To prepare the tincture use 5 cloves of garlic, which fill 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse night. After careful straining prescription. The main thing is not to forget to take it in the quantity of 50 g daily before meals.