The prostate gland is often called the "second heart" men, the epithet is not accidental, it is from the normal functioning of the prostate depends on the body's ability to produce testosterone — the main hormone in men.

A healthy prostate helps to maintain male regular sexual intercourse, and inflammatory processes in the body, often disturb the habitual way of life and become a cause for the collapse of relations in the family. Given this information it is easy to understand that prostate disease affect a heavy burden and a serious psychological test for a patient.
In the process of ejaculation is the release from the secret, and if this procedure is not performed for a long period of time, in the prostate occur congestion, which becomes the catalyst of this disease and lead to its acute forms, which is why regular sex with an unpleasant male disease required. It is especially important to maintain a constant intercourse after 40 years because in this period production of testosterone is on the decline.
Regular sexual relationships contribute:
- the active development of prostatic juice;
- normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic area and directly in the prostate gland;
- when the contraction of the muscles involved in the sexual process, there is prostate massage, which has beneficial effects on its operation and getting rid of negative manifestations of an infectious nature;
- orgasm with the release of semen can effectively remove the decay products that appear in the course of the inflammatory process, which further cleans the affected body of toxins, thus improving the supply of the prostate with oxygen and recovery is rapid.
Use sexual relations for male disease is proven by leading specialists urologists, but that sexual intercourse really helped and did not harm the recovery, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance and be sure to use condoms, the infection is not transferred to the partner.
The chronic form
Contraindications for sexual activity in old lesions of the prostate do not exist, on the contrary, in chronic prostatitis the proximity required and the man should plan regular meetings with a woman. The process of mating can accelerate the effects of drug therapy and faster to get rid of this nasty disease, and pain characteristic of acute forms, in this case not observed, which makes the procedure not only useful but also enjoyable.
When a man refuses to close, often due to psychological problems, congestion in the prostate start to become more active and the treatment of the problem is delayed. Partners should discuss the situation and, if necessary, seek assistance from a specialist who will be able to rehabilitate the patient to restore normal sexual life.
Abstaining from sex for various reasons, negatively affects the health of the patient with chronic prostatitis. The disease developed into this phase, lends itself to therapy is much harder and requires extensive exposure in all possible ways, therefore, a man with a similar diagnosis should have regular sex, even if the desire is absent.
Excessive "exploits" will also be the cause of problems in an unhealthy body. Excessive strain on the weakened prostate gland in chronic disease does not allow you to undergo the normal healing process of the affected area because of its constant irritation. Therefore, the frequency of sexual intercourse should lead to the average, giving the opportunity to conduct effective therapy.

Sex in acute prostatitis
A beneficial effect of sexual intercourse, when disease of the prostate known and traditionally, the doctor advises not to stop making love if you find disease, but in the case of its acute forms, you need to make an exception.
The fact that the physical condition of man does not allow him to have sex with acute prostatitis. At this point, the patient's head is occupied with incessant pain when urinating, ejaculation and even complete rest, he feels pains in the perineum. The temperature active inflammatory process reaches 40 degrees. He is concerned about only one thing – how to quickly remove these annoying symptoms.
Sex for prostatitis in the acute form is impossible, though would be useful to accelerate the recovery of the patient.
Basic rules
To eliminate the negative consequences of sex for prostatitis, you should adhere to certain rules that allow to maintain health and facilitate treatment of the disease:
- a prerequisite for a successful fight against the stagnant phenomena in the prostate regular sex. If sexual intercourse is impossible, it is recommended to resort to masturbating at least 1-2 times a week;
- stable erection if prostatitis occurs with their regular sexual partner. In this case, there is no psychological tension, which can lead to failure, and ejaculation is a complete;
- before sexual intercourse and immediately after it is recommended to perform hygienic procedures, thus avoiding the possible exacerbation of the disease. A man with lesions of the prostate should more frequently resort to washing, because through the urethra together with the substance out bacteria that may accumulate on the head of the penis and cause irritation;
- it is not recommended to resort to the use of stimulants erection, and drugs that increase the duration of the contact, such means harm when the disease prostatitis.
How often can I have sex
The number of sexual intercourse cannot be limited to some rules and depends entirely on the willingness and capacity of partners. Be wary of frequent sex case of acute manifestations of the disease, but in chronic forms of no prohibition.
Every professional doctor is confident that sex with a regular partner would do more good than indiscriminate contacts that may cause inflammation, especially if such communication was not protected by the condom, as contact with a foreign microflora becomes the impetus for the escalation of the situation.
Safe sex is important for women due to the fact that the cause of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland men is often a bacterial infection, which in the case of unprotected contact and affects the internal organs of the female partner.

Long-term abstinence and the inability to have complete sexual intercourse you should not give up youthful way to relieve tension. Masturbation does not have the positive effects as sexual intercourse, actively involving the entire lower torso, but this discharge will help to maintain the prostate in good shape.
How to treat prostatitis with sex
Detection of symptoms of inflammation of the prostate causing the man not only physical harm but also severe psychological trauma. The fear of defeat in the bed makes the patient irritable, appears insomnia, periodic nervous breakdowns, malfunctions in digestion. Amid such manifestations of sexual desire becomes weak or even suppressed.
In such a situation the crucial role of a woman who will support his spouse in the treatment process with maximum tact and sensitivity. You can't leave a man alone with the sickness and allow it to become isolated in their experiences.
The dependence of the efficiency of treatment of prostatitis and sexual activity men there is no doubt among practitioners, so sex is necessary, but this should be done without fanaticism and violence against the weakened organism. Measure during treatment of the disease is important, and the main impact on the affected prostate gland is trusted by medications. Condition effective treatment and prevent complications in the treatment of prostatitis is necessary to accept the following recommendations:
- Sexual intimacy when the disease prostatitis should not be limited to one to two times per month. Only the regularity guarantees the acceleration of the healing process, but daily sex is too much, this activity becomes a cause of aggravation. The perfect norm, according to experts with medical education, it is believed two or three of coitus per week under normal condition partners. Each contact must be protected by a condom.
- It is strongly recommended to enter into relationship only with one woman, due to the fact that the intersection of micro-Flor creates a favorable situation for a jump of pathogenic bacteria and as a consequence, exacerbation of the disease. Especially dangerous unprotected contacts.
- With prolonged lack of sex or the inability to maintain sexual relations the man is not recommended to use random contacts. Get rid of stagnant phenomena in the prostate gland through Masturbation, which is not a criminal act. On the contrary, eliminating the surplus seminal fluid, the patient helps to activate blood circulation in the area affected organ and at the expense of this process is the massaging of the prostate, which speeds up recovery. The number of discharges must be combined with the usual number of allowable acts a week.
Dangerous phenomenon – coitus interruptus. The result of this action, negative consequences will come for men because of blood stasis in the pelvic area, which creates unfulfilled arousal that leads to an exacerbation of prostatitis and recurrence in chronic forms of the disease.
Regular sex as prevention of prostate
Regular sex is a great opportunity to support the functionality of the prostate at the proper level, and this is a nice way to prevent prostatitis. Systematic closeness relieves excessive stress and possible inflammation in this important for male body.
The positive results of regular sexual intercourse include the following:
- Experienced by the patient, the disease brings a special joy and weakly comes to sex, but every man should remember that an orgasm helps to relieve pain and normalizes mental state, which is important in the treatment of prostatitis. In case of persistent discomfort consult a doctor and may need to take painkillers before intimacy.
- With acute bacterial prostatitis are not the type of recommended treatment, but periodic sexual life effectively replaces this procedure. Sex eases the symptoms and speeds up healing of the affected organ.
- Therapy of inflammatory processes in the prostate depends on the elimination of stagnation, and solves the problem of active blood flow during exercise, including during sex. Regular intimacy quickly restores the weakened potency in chronic forms and prevents relapses.
- Medical statistics provides data from surveys confirming the standard the clinical picture of the inflammation of the prostate gland that men have making love two times a week, symptoms of prostate less than 60% than less active patients.

The influence of sex when the prostate is large, to underestimate this important tool for the treatment of the causes of disease is not reasonable. Sex trigger active blood flow in the pelvic area, which allows to effectively deal with the problem and eliminate the likelihood of recurrence. Abstinence is not only psychologically depressing man, but a bad influence on libido women, in the end any misunderstandings in the family, quarrels and scandals. In case of serious disorders and impotence on the basis of the disease should consult a doctor to establish the frequency of relationship.