Sex is certainly one of the main components for a happy relationship between a man and a woman. But modern life involves a lot of stressful situations and provoking circumstances that have a negative impact on male potency. After one or two failures in bed men often go in yourself, self-esteem decreases even more dramatic situation. In order not to have such problems or completely get rid of them, it is sufficient to perform daily physical exercises to increase potency. The positive impact of sport on the human body is known to all. Exercises for potency – optimal alternative to medical drugs which not only are expensive and have short term effect, but can improve erections for a short time. So, they do not reinforce male power and not to restore it. Also of the downsides of specialized tablets is a large list of contraindications and side effects. Exercises for erection have no practical contraindications and available to everyone.

The reasons why there is a reduction of potency in men and a decline erection in the moment of sexual intercourse:
- Changes associated with age;
- Pathology of the urinary system;
- Smoking and alcohol abuse – destructive effect on potency;
- Overeating and excess weight;
- Poor circulation in the pelvis. Usually seen in people that spend most of their time sitting, lead a sedentary lifestyle, preferring to rest in front of the TV or computer;
- Various hormonal imbalances;
- BPH in any degree;
- Fatigue, constant stress voltage;
- Personal complexes, insecurities. It often happens that these reasons suppress male libido;
- Work in hazardous work greatly affects the potency.
What are the advantages of exercises to improve potency in men
- Available absolutely of any age.
- Completely strengthens muscles of the body, but the main direction – the muscles of the pelvis, it provides an excellent restorative result reproductive function.
- During integrated classes in a large amount of produced testosterone. This hormone directly responsible for penis erection and helps the production of good sperm.
- Increases blood flow to sedentary lifestyle departments: hip joints, lower spine, leaving a stagnation of blood circulation, metabolism fully ordered.
- Exercises for erection are accompanied by a large release of adrenaline. It is known that failure of its output deteriorating mood, there is a constant risk and stressful situations.
- Moderate physical activity improves mood, even the usual small charge after you Wake up creates a positive mood for the whole day. The psychological state becomes normal, it helps the happy hormone to be produced in full. Potency and exercise are connected directly with each other.
- After the execution of all selected trainings that increase the potency, the body completely relaxes, thereby the muscle tension goes away.
How to implement physical exercises to restore and strengthen erections
- It is important to understand that the desired effect can be achieved only when day-to-day exercises. Of course, you are allowed to do certain breaks, but they should not be long delayed.
- All exercises should be performed without haste, making 10 approaches, each approach involves specific 7-10 reps, with 30 seconds breaks in between them.
- In the early days you can reduce the load by half, gradually with each time increasing the tempo. The only requirement is that it is unacceptable to experience discomfort and pain when performing exercises.
- Try to concentrate on your actions, do not think about their problems.
To gain confidence you should regularly perform exercises to strengthen erection.
Rehabilitation exercises

- Sitting on a chair, squeeze your buttocks, holding them a few seconds, then relax. To breathe while the nose calmly and steadily. This training is very versatile, it can be produced in any conditions, very well affect the potency. These exercises for erection help strengthen the urinary system and rectum.
- These exercises to enhance potency are naked and very quickly after the operation. Choose a secluded comfortable place for relaxation. Standing with feet set shoulder-width apart, bending them at the knees. Holding hands on the belt, do the pelvic translational movement, the genitals should wiggle.
- In the same form do the following exercises: squatting, pull simultaneously the abdomen, buttocks and scrotum. Try to be as relaxed and breathe evenly. This well helps with diseases of the testicles.
- Get comfortable on the bed, lie on your back, right hand put behind the head, the left – in the area of the perineum. Squeeze the ring of the anus, pulling up the sexual organs. These exercises to increase potency at home for men are versatile and very effective.
- Sit down on a horizontal surface (floor), the back should be smooth. Right leg put on the left. Then do it several movements in different directions. Change the position of legs and repeat the exercise.
- Take a position where you will be most comfortable. Necessary straining the anus, keeping this condition for 20 – 30 seconds. This exercise is to restore an erection can be performed at any convenient time, such as sitting at a computer or a TV.
- Steps in place, the main thing is to keep the body straighter, and lift the legs, repeat the exercise several times.
Described exercises to improve potency in men reveal how sport and potency are inextricably linked.
Exercises that are performed in a complex
- Get on all fours. Gently guide the pelvis to the heels, like sitting down on them, the arms should always remain straight, try to straighten the spine during exercise. Return to original position and repeat all the exercises again. Breathing must be smooth and without delays.
- Standing, legs apart slightly wider than shoulder width, do gentle squats, reaching the end point, put your hands between your lower limbs as possible (easier to do, leaning a little forward). On the exhale take the starting position. After a little rest, repeat five more times. These exercises to increase potency is a natural prostate massage. Also aktiviziruyutsya and come to tone the muscles of the pelvis and perineum, blood flow is faster.
- Starting position is the same as in the previous task. Need to do squats, locking the pelvis on a level with the knees. In a rack follow these 4 to 5 movements of the pelvis back (inhaling) and forward (exhale), the intensity and speed of their choice. For convenience, you can stick to the wall or the back of a chair, the pelvic "aftershocks" should not lead to physical process the rest of the body. Performing these exercises to increase potency several times a week, you will be able in the short term to remedy the condition.
- Starting position – lying on back, hands linked behind his head. Alternately follow the action with your feet. First, lift up your left leg without bending it. Make a few moves in a circle, first in one direction then in the opposite. The main rule of the exercise is not to rush, focus on the quality execution of the exercises "working" leg should always remain straight.
This is the preferred method for strengthening muscles and erogenous stimulation of them, exercises to improve potency.
- Lie on your back and put your feet as close to the buttocks, bending the legs. Put your hands on your knees and with an effort on the exhale, begin to separate them to the sides (butterfly). The reverse arch of the feet hands should resist the action. Keep calm breath, do not strain very much. This method kneads the prostate as well restores all functions.
- Natural preservation of male power to contribute to mental workout. Exercises, significantly increase the potency are those which are based on impact not only your thoughts, but also General attitude.
- Stand up straight, better to do it absolutely without clothes. Lift the penis to a level that corresponds to an erection. And try force thought to cause the initiation (hands should not be). You can submit erotic stories or object of its desires, the main thing that sexual arousal has passed without help.
Exercises to increase potency at home

Morning exercise not only promotes a good start to the day, but also fruitful influence on all bodily functions, especially useful for male potency. Strengthens all body systems (respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.), improve performance and mood.
The most effective choice will be exercises to raise potency with the use of dumbbells, plus you can include other useful classes:
- Alternate torso twists 90 degrees with simultaneous dilution of direct hand-to-hand. Exercise is directed on strengthening of muscles of the back.
- Keep blades and perform the bending of the arms to the shoulders, holding dumbbells in them, follow these steps about 15 times. Also with this attribute, you can do squats, stretching your arms forward. Or from the prone position raise the arms with dumbbells up.
- Push-UPS, they must perform at least 20 times, try to maintain calm breathing during exercise.
- Strength training exercises to increase potency – the main aim of the training on the spine and the strengthening of the corset of muscles. For members of any age, these exercises are very useful, with their help, you will forget about lumbar spasms forever (lifting weights, treadmill, bike, various settings to strengthen the muscles of the hands and feet). If you have the opportunity to visit a gym or purchase home installation classes, they will replace the whole complex.
- Forward bends – these exercises to improve erection, ejaculation and potency eliminate stagnation of sperm, increasing their activity. Do not just perform a lot of ten times is enough. The number of add every day gradually, leading up to 50 movements, with an emphasis hands on the floor.
- Take the dumbbells in hand (standing), pulling them along the body, and do alternating forward lunges (big steps with bent leg at the knee).
Gymnastics for potency is a perfect replacement for all of Badam and other similar impotence drugs. So man's strength returns, you will improve and save it to the proper level.
If you visit a fitness center or train at home, pay attention to yoga. It contains the best exercises to improve potency in men. Examine such trainings as: the bow, the plough, Cobra and more. They require a lot of effort, but very useful for the entire body and affect the potency.
Follow the above exercises to restore potency, you will forget about problems in bed and strengthen your overall body. This method is a safe solution to a sensitive issue.