Prostatitis is a fairly common condition among men (women this disease is not threatened because the prostate gland is an exclusively male body of the genitourinary system). Only one of the five representatives of the stronger sex even once in life faced with a similar problem.

Prostatitis is a male disease of the urogenital area, a mandatory attribute which is an inflammatory process that is localized in the prostate gland.
Prostatitis is so widespread today that almost one hundred percent confidence of the sick to them in varying degrees, can be considered every man who crosses the threshold of 45 years.
Why in this age aktiviziruyutsya problems with men's health?
Actually it begins much earlier, the modern pace of life, saturated with stress, inactive lifestyle, working in the office in front of a computer, poor diet, regular alcohol consumption and sexual intercourse with frequently changing partners without contraception and is the most factors, which gradually leads to inflammation of the prostate.
The symptoms of prostatitis, which first drew the attention of a man are usually the following:
- Early in the disease, when the prostate only began to increase in volume, it only slightly compresses the ureter, which surrounds like a ring on your finger. Thus, one of the first symptoms of prostatitis would be considered a small narrowing of the ureter, and, consequently, a certain obstruction to the passage of urine, difficulty urinating.
- The resulting problem is frequent urination. First, the expression does not cause fear, man, never questus to this at night, can stand for emptying the bladder once or twice in the night and chalk it up to an extra Cup of tea for dinner. But, over time, the intervals between urination will be greatly reduced.
- The presence of pain in the abdomen is one of the first symptoms of prostatitis. They can be a different feeling, pulling, pressing, bursting, disturbed they are usually in the late afternoon or after any power loads.
- Minor disorders of erection and premature ejaculation, of course, take any man and his partner some concern, but it is just as often blamed on fatigue and stress.
Please note
Such insignificant at first glance, disorders of the male urogenital system, without due attention, from both the patient and the physician, will certainly result in great problems, which chronic prostatitis.
Inflammation of the prostate gland can be acute, bacterial form and, in the case of a running disease, it is complicated in the chronic form.
Symptoms of prostatitis in the acute phase of bacterial shapes:
- A high body temperature for a long time located near 39 degrees.
- Chills.
- General weakness, body aches, painful condition.
- Headaches.
- Nausea, in severe cases reaching to recurrent vomiting.
- Severe pain in the perineum, lower abdomen, and periodically in lower back and testicles. Pain is often worse when the stool, as well during bowel movements can appear mucous discharge from the urethra.
- When digital rectal prostate examination by a doctor examination can be identified the increase in prostate volume, change its structure, often palpated various formations and scars.
- Frequent, difficult, painful urination. Due to the fact that an inflamed prostate too hard squeezes the urethra, the man have to strain to start urination, because of the same reason and in some cases the bladder is not completely emptied, which does not bring the desired relief after visiting the toilet.
- Sharp pain during ejaculation.
If not treat prostatitis at this stage, it is guaranteed to develop into the chronic stage.

Chronic prostatitis is divided into three main types:
- Chronic infectious prostatitis.
- Chronic noninfectious prostatitis.
- Chronic asymptomatic prostatitis.
Symptoms of prostatitis in its asymptomatic form, as is clear from the name, are not available, the patient complains of nothing, is absolutely the same lifestyle as usual.
It is found in most cases by accident, in taking blood tests and finding of the increased amount of white blood cells or bacteria, or by taking a biopsy of the prostate.
In some cases inflammation of the prostate is detected during open surgical procedures in the area of the prostate gland, or when surgery on her.
The symptoms of prostatitis when it is chronic non-bacterial form:
- Abacterial prostatitis has another name, namely "chronic pelvic pain syndrome". Pain frequent, repetitive, but varied both in smaller and in a big way. Localization of pain is intermittent, it can be very prostate, perineum, and pain in the tailbone, testicles, the male sexual organ. During defecation pain are concentrated in the anus and rectum. The increase in the intensity of the pain occurs even at low loads.
- Disorders of sexual desire, decreased libido, erection unstable, periodically disappearing in the process of copulation, as well as early ejaculation. To prevent the deterioration of the situation, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, as with timely treatment there is a high probability of full recovery of sexual soundness of men.
- Violation of urination. The urge to emptying of the bladder is quite common, but completely empty it does not always work — you have to put in the effort. The stream of urine becomes much thinner, this is due to the presence of primary sclerosing changes of the ureter in the area of the prostate.
- Depression, mild or severe depression, lethargy, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness and fits of anger — is possible, the manifestations of psychological disorders in men suffering from prostatitis.
Symptoms of prostatitis in its chronic infectious form:
- Pain syndrome in this case depends entirely on the degree of aggravation of the disease in a given time. With peak concentrations of bacteria pain dull, nagging, continuous, localized in a groin, scrotum, lower abdomen, worse in the sitting position (especially when on a hard surface), urination, defecation and ejaculation.
- During remission, a period of weakening or complete disappearance of other symptoms of prostatitis in its chronic bacterial form, violation of urination, but rather the voltage when you try to empty the bladder and the inability to do this fully is the only symptom that remains with a man in this disease. At the time of aggravation is often a man completely deprived of the ability to urinate, as the prostate is just inflamed blocks the passage of urine in the urethra or urine flows drop by drop, literally.
- The feeling of stretching and pain in the bladder also often accompany the disease in the acute phase. The stagnation of urine favors the development of infections and the formation of salt microcrystals, injuring the mucous wall of the bladder. Urination in the urine are observed filaments and flakes are white in color.
- Often there is prolonged erection during sleep, but in the moment of intercourse, she often becomes so that to complete sexual intercourse is not no way. If this happened, you may experience sharp pain during or immediately after orgasm, and the ejaculate can be seen, the impurities of the blood.
- Amid all these symptoms, especially during acute men are often subjected to psycho-emotional disorders of varying severity. In most cases they are depressed, apathetic, diffident, and their thoughts are the complexity of treatment, and fatigue from constant pain. This marked irritability, and even aggressive when afficiens topics related to the health of the patient.
- Patients present a complete picture of the General intoxication: fatigue, weakness, headaches, reduced immunity, patients often refuse to eat and always want to sit or lie down.

In a clinical exacerbation of prostatitis may be cases of acute reaction to the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, without accurate diagnosis and proper, timely and adequate treatment, leading to such complications as blood poisoning and even local areas of suppuration in the body of the prostate.
That is why when the first signs of discomfort, it is recommended to immediately contact a urologist and not to self-appoint themselves to all sorts of traditional medicines, candles, pills and other medicines, having read the reviews on the Internet. Treatment at home is possible only after consultation with a specialist, the price of the issue is your health.
Symptoms of prostatitis — what to pay attention?
Symptoms of many diseases are similar, for example, the urination disorder may be as in prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Signs of any disease more specifically characterize it, as belong only to him, avoiding vague language.
Common symptoms of prostatitis have their own features at each specific stage of the disease. For example, when running the acute form of inflammation of the prostate in this glandular-muscular organ can develop not just purulent inflammation, but also to form apostema cavity. Often this state is accompanied by quite high, not declining temperature, mulligrubs' in the lower abdomen, suprapubic region, perineum, and upper thighs. Frequent urge to urinate, but the urine flow is significantly hampered, because the urethra gets squeezed prostate gland to such an extent that in some cases, only medical intervention can help to empty the bladder.
These symptoms of prostatitis rather common for people who are at risk: patients with extremely reduced immunity, patients with drug and alcohol abuse, cancer patients.
The majority of men, inflammation of the prostate does not manifest itself explicitly. Being in the hidden state, the symptoms of prostatitis occur only a few mild disorders: frequent urination, occasional discharge from the urethra, burning and itching in the ureter, reduced potency, the decline in sperm quality and, consequently, inability to conceive, as well as pain in the pubic area, perineum and genital organs.
If you do not pay attention to these symptoms of prostatitis, can result in various negative consequences, e.g., significant change in the body of the prostate, up to the need of surgical intervention.
The first signs of prostatitis in men: pay attention to changes
Despite the multiplicity of variations in the manifestation of symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, there is a certain set of symptoms of the disease, the presence of which should alert a man and prevent the development of pathology.

The first signs of prostatitis in men:
- A fever is a natural reaction of the organism to the inflammatory process.
- The change in the frequency of urination in a big way (especially at night).
- Uncomfortable feeling in the urethra: appeared burning sensation, irritation, pain when urination.
- The appearance of threadlike formations of white color in the urine.
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- The decrease in potency, and pain during ejaculation.
The first signs of prostatitis in men in the chronic form is almost identical to the signs of the acute phase of the disease, but it additionally joins a significant reduction in enjoyment of sexual intercourse, the so-called "blurry" orgasm, in which there is no previous thrills and total satisfaction does not occur. Man may notice how during bowel movement urethral mucus.
Secondary signs of inflammation of prostate in men
Alas, but I found the first signs of prostatitis, the vast majority of men don't hurry to the clinic, hoping that everything will somehow be okay. However, over time, the symptoms only worsen, in addition to the disease will certainly add more unpleasant signs.
Secondary signs of inflammation of prostate in men:
- Pain during urination. In very advanced cases, blood can appear in urine.
- Emptying the bladder requires a great deal of effort. A thin stream of urine and intermittent, the feeling of fullness of the bladder after using the bathroom, sometimes help to cope with stagnation of urine can be a doctor.
- The decline in the quality of erection, until the appearance of temporary impotence.