There are many ways on how to improve the potency of men, most of which are available in the performance, as well as material prosperity.
Enhance the potency natural ways

To date, erectile dysfunction remains an important issue, in spite of all the efforts and achievements of physicians to address it. The fact in the numerous causes of disease and acting on the body men every day. Despite this, in some situations, the man need to seek help from traditional methods, exercises, if violations are not organic in nature.
Enhance potency in men can be as targeted actions on organs of the reproductive system and the effect on the entire body, as it is often the cause potency disorders are medical diseases. For example, pathology of the circulatory system.
Why sometimes employs the methods of alternative medicine and special exercises? The fact is that erectile dysfunction can be short-term and fragmented in nature. At this point man, it is important not to dwell on the problem, as the constant focus on our failures can lead ultimately to the development of psychological forms of the disease.
It is known that in the treatment of any disease it is important to remove the cause or multiple causes. No exception and erectile dysfunction:
- change the lifestyle;
- get rid of bad habits;
- correct mode of the day as physical and mental stress should be evenly distributed;
- your doctor will tell you which of the prescription drugs can have an effect on potency;
- if impotence is a secondary character, first eliminate the underlying disease (disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes, thyroid disease, hypofunction of sexual glands);
- chronic and acute diseases of the urinary organs;
- excess body weight;
- trauma, e.g., pelvic;
- irregular or riotous sex life;
- the pathology of the organs of the cardiovascular system;
- neuropsychiatric disorders, frequent or chronic stress.
More young people violation of potency is directly related to the neuro-mental strain, stress, unstable mentality, while the elderly reasons be organic lesions of the prostate and physiological changes in organs associated with age.
Possible ways of improving of potency
There are several ways to raise the potency of men:
- Medical intervention, the use of drugs;
- Recommendations on nutrition with the indication of products that actively affect the potency;
- Special gymnastic exercises that can be borrowed from yoga, other practices in the world of medicine;
- Folk remedies, which include herbs, bee products.
Which method is right for you, will help to determine the doctor according to your individual circumstances. In many situations, doctors recommend to their patients a comprehensive treatment, i.e., diet, exercise, intake of drugs. The result comes much faster and duration of effect longer.
Medical methods of correction of violations of potency for men
Fortunately, 95% of patients amenable to therapy and conservative methods, and they don't have to resort to the services of surgeons:
- Stimulants erection as inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 .
- The use of injecting drugs inside the cavernous bodies.
- For mild cases, you can assign remedies based on medicinal plants (ginseng, pumpkin seeds, herb St. John's wort, parsley).
- In most cases, the physician and the patient cost psychotherapy to address the mental version of impotence.
- The vacuum method of treatment.
- Physiotherapeutic methods.
- Prostate massage, full body massage.
- The last hope is surgical treatment.
Basic drugs which will help strengthen weak potency men:
- Based on yohimbe.
- Funds intended for strengthening the entire body.
- Drugs based on other substances.

Yohimbe can be called natural is not forbidden aphrodisiac. Uses the bark of an African tree, which then prepare drugs, teas. Why herbal remedy is so popular? The fact that its effect on the body due to the enhanced testosterone levels, which potency is getting better in a short time, and for quite a long time.
Preparations on the basis of tree bark increase libido, improve semen quality, the active substance of the tree increases the sensitivity and even has a positive effect on coordination.
Yohimbe is actively "interfere" in the blood flow of small pelvis, therefore its effectiveness is seen in female. In addition to the above effects, medications with yohimbe cause a rush of emotions, helping many men to overcome the psychological barriers.
Despite the clear advantages of herbal preparations, men are more likely to give preference to products that guarantee them an erection at the right time.This medication Viagra, and other similar composition. An indispensable condition for their work is sexual stimulation. Shown drugs men who can not achieve erection or to maintain it in that condition, which is necessary for performing intimacy.
Due to which there is a restoration of an erection after taking Viagra? During sexual stimulation the drug promotes the release of nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscle fibers of the cavernous bodies. because Of this, the occupancy of the organ of the blood is greatly enhanced, which ultimately leads to erection. Viagra also increases the power of orgasm, but the sexual inclination has no effect. The pill an hour before sexual intercourse, the dosage varies from 50 to 100 mg., only patients who have kidney disease, the dose should be reduced to 25 mg.
Aphrodisiacs for men
These funds are suitable for those who are interested in the safety of their use, as well as the almost complete absence of contraindications. How to increase potency in men with natural remedies? Aphrodisiacs have different effects on the body. Some of them are restore potency due to the replenishment of the body's vitamins and minerals, others by improving blood flow.
Aphrodisiacs are not only able to save people from the frigid, but also to deal with premature ejaculation, prolong the time of sexual contact.
Part of erectile dysfunction is a special group of substances. Because they contain enzymes that are similar in their effect to hormones male reproductive system, or can affect the production of hormones.
Experts have found that natural aphrodisiacs have an effect on the pituitary gland, resulting in the increased production of endorphins. These substances are responsible for the strength of sexual attraction, desire, make people more relaxed. Endorphins are responsible for the emergence of sexual fantasies, can cause a feeling of euphoria and elation.
Seen the property of endorphins to provide pain-relieving effect, replenish energy reserves, to remove toxins.
How to choose the right drug from the group of aphrodisiacs? The plant world is rich in representatives who to this day are successfully used to stimulate libido and increase potency. One of them we mentioned above (yohimbe), others will describe below:
- Ginseng. The usual plant is considered to be the king of aphrodisiacs. Its root has been used for over 5 thousand years. Approximate properties was noticed by experts at the lemongrass. Indian sources claim that the root of the plant that gives force to the bulls and young and older men. It is noteworthy that the effect of the plant begins a few days after regular use. The main effect of ginseng stimulant. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves concentration, energy, physical and mental. Significantly increases endurance, adaptation to external stimuli. Improve the potency is due to the normalization of hormonal and metabolic level, improving local and General circulation in organs of small pelvis. The root of the plant is used not only as an aphrodisiac but also as a General tonic, which with constant use protects us from many diseases;
- The herb St. John's wort for men. In many cases of low sexual activity and reduced erectile function is the result of a beginning depression or neurotic disorders. That is St. John's wort is used as a means for mood enhancement and removal of men from the state of depression. During the research it was proved that the use of different products based on St. John's wort gave the following results: 60% of patients felt again the forgotten desire to have sex, and about 80% completely got rid of irritability, anxiety, various disorders of sleep;
- Gingko biloba. All known plant, used as a means to improve memory and cerebral circulation. Less glory gingko biloba received as an aphrodisiac. Effect on erectile function is associated with improved blood flow through vessels. According to research, gingko biloba is beginning to show its effect after 6-8 weeks of constant use, and six months later, there is complete restoration of the former level of potency.
Anything else I can help with the violation of potency?

Oddly enough, all the ways that you can use to enhance and as stimulators of potency, a very simple and familiar:
- Flower pollen. As one of the options you can use this product of beekeeping. It is also called a super food. In the composition of its many elements, vitamins, DNA and RNA, as well as a substance that prevents aging — superoxide dismutase. Its main action is the initiation of the sexual interest;
- Zinc. One of the essential components for the synthesis of testosterone and normal sperm production. Is found in many foods that are described as increasing potency: nuts, raspberries, strawberries, celery, seafood;
- Proteins of animal origin. Responsible for the synthesis of hormones, sperm recovery genitalia, their full development;
- Potassium. A macronutrient is responsible for the strength, energy, vital functions in our body. therefore, its deficiency is accompanied by apathy, loss of interest in any sexual relations.
- Calcium. Responsible for the duration of sexual intercourse, with its lack of observed premature ejaculation, reduced potency and libido;
- Phosphorus. Provides physiologically normal conduction of nerve impulses, responsible for "nervous" regulation of sexual intercourse;
- The lack of beta-caroteneor vitamin A affects the normal secretion of sex hormones;
- Tocopherol. Perhaps the most well-known vitamin that is used to restore potency. In addition, vitamin E is responsible for the ability to fertilize.
Exercises that will help to improve potency
Gymnastic exercises have been used successfully to improve the potency and to this day their popularity is not falling. You can perform simple technically available to all complexes, and for those who want to know more, there are special equipment:
- Exercises for the muscles of the pelvis, was developed by Kegel. Originally intended for women as gymnastics, the restoring force of the muscles of the perineum. Later, it became apparent that the exercises are so well trained muscles of the perineum, the walls of the genital and urinary organs, that it was decided to use them among different strata of patients with weak potency in men;
- Complexes of yoga. Also aimed at increasing muscle tone, strengthening pelvic muscles;
- How to increase male strength through breathing exercises. Such exercises not only Improves the function of the respiratory system, but also the flow of blood and oxygen to all body systems. Indirectly affecting erectile function.
What if the man's weak potency, and how to improve the potency to old age? Use familiar and so simple ways: give up bad habits, establish a regime and diet, to include in the menu products that are precisely designed to improve the functioning of the genital organs, minimize the impact of the causes that led to the loss of usual sexual life (maybe it was stress or chronic fatigue syndrome).