Prostatitis is a pathology that occurs as an infectious and inflammatory process in the prostate gland (prostate), affecting its glandular and connective tissues.
The prostate - an organ of the glandular structure located under the bladder in the urethra - is of great importance for the health and functioning of a man's body. Inflammation has an effect on reducing the synthesis of testosterone in the testes, as a result of which libido decreases, erectile function weakens. At the first signs of prostatitis, problems arise during urination, discomfort, pain during orgasm are felt.
The treatment of prostatitis was started in the 19th century, when there was a tendency for the growth of this disease. The disease is purely male, since the prostate gland is an organ located in the body of men. Representatives of the age category from forty and older mainly suffer from this ailment, but medical statistics say that in recent years the disease has become significantly "younger": among 25-28-year-old men, prostatitis is detected in 30% of cases. However, the peculiarity of the diagnosis and the likelihood of the latent course of the disease suggests that this figure is much higher. Only a quarter of men aged 22-50 undergo medical examinations, including by a urologist who diagnoses prostatitis in 15% of this number.
If the treatment of prostatitis is not started on time, a number of complications may appear, characterized by:
- obstruction of the bladder with acute urinary retention requiring surgical treatment;
- transition of prostatitis from the acute stage to the chronic course;
- development of some form of male infertility;
- recurrent cystitis;
- narrowing, scarring of the urethra;
- pyelonephritis, other kidney pathologies;
- prostate abscess requiring surgical intervention;
- sepsis that threatens the patient's life (this is most susceptible to patients with weak immunity, diabetes mellitus, renal failure).
Important to know!Pathology can lead to prostate cancer (observed in 7% of men over 50), which will seriously worsen the life of a man, or even lead to death.
Reasons for the development of pathology
Prostatitis has several types, determined by the causes of the disease.
The main factors provoking the onset of prostatitis are as follows:
- Infections.Bacteria enter the prostate gland in a variety of ways and routes. Young men who have sex without contraception (condom) have a high risk of disease due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc. ). In addition, the onset of prostatitis occurs as a result of any internal chronic diseases. Harmful bacteria reach the prostate gland through the flow of lymph or blood. Pathological microorganisms can also "descend" into the prostate through the urethra. Then the disease is provoked by ailments of the urinary system (urethritis, pyelonephritis) with weakened immunity.
- Stagnant processes.They are manifested in obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, since the microcirculation of blood in the pelvic organs is impaired. As a result, the required amount of oxygen and nutrients does not reach the prostate.
- Injuries.Due to mechanical damage to the tissues and organs of the small pelvis (OMT), congestion may occur, provoking an inflammatory process. Such cases are often encountered among truckers due to professional activities associated with a long-term sitting position and constant injury from a chair hitting an HTA.
Opinion of doctors. Urologists are confident that prostatitis is not a lifelong diagnosis. If the treatment did not give a quick result, then the man should not give up and think about whether he followed absolutely all the instructions. Only joint actions and efforts of the doctor and patient, who are confident in the success of therapy, will help a man feel healthy, and therefore full.
Types of prostatitis
Classification of prostatitis by type provides the following parameters.
Etiology. According to the origin, the disease is:
- infectious (specific and non-specific);
- congestive non-infectious (the reason lies in stagnant processes associated with long interruptions in sexual relations, interrupted sexual intercourse, bad habits, stress, regular hypothermia).
Pathological trait, subdivided into the following subspecies:
- catarrhal;
- follicular;
- parenchymal;
- prostate abscess (it can manifest itself as a complication of prostatitis in the form of dystrophic, fibrocystic, granulomatous, as well as prostate sclerosis).
Clinical course. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic.
Pathogenesis. According to the onset and development of the disease, prostatitis can be:
- hematogenous;
- urethrogenic;
- canalicular;
- calculating;
- allergic;
- endocrine.
Symptoms and signs of prostatitis
Prostatitis symptoms can be latent and obvious.
The disease is classified into the following forms:
- Sharp.The disease has a sudden development, expressed in an increased body temperature (up to 39 ° C), intense cutting pains radiating to the back, groin. Ejaculation, defecation, and urination are accompanied by acute pain and sometimes bleeding. This is a serious reason for contacting a urologist.
- Chronic.The symptomatic picture is almost imperceptible, although it is similar to the clinical picture of acute prostatitis. There may be slight rises in temperature, discomfort in the groin and during urination. The main symptom of the chronic form of prostatitis is the frequent urge to go "in a small way", discharge from the urethra. Over time, the patient registers the problem of erectile function due to the transition of the inflammatory process to the nerves responsible for erection, premature ejaculation. The general health and condition of the patient are negative, expressed in frequent irritability, depression, discontent, psychological breakdowns.
- Stagnant.This form of the disease affects men who are inactive and have irregular sex. The course of the disease is expressed in a violation of the genitourinary system. For the onset of the disease, inflammation of the excretory tract, detachment of the epithelium, provoking the onset of pain during urination, are characteristic. In severe cases, the urethra ceases to function altogether. Erection is also impaired, orgasm is weak and unexpressed. In general, the development of sexual dysfunction occurs at a rapid pace. The stagnant form of prostatitis is also characterized by symptoms of burning and itching in the perineum, urethra. The body temperature is elevated, there are intoxication signs.
How the symptoms of developing prostatitis are detected
Only a urologist is able to make an accurate diagnosis of a patient, but according to the existing signs occurring with the genitourinary system and observed by a man, they can serve as a signal for an urgent appeal to a specialist. This applies to:
- an act of defecation, accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
- burning sensation in the perineum for short and long periods;
- of frequent urge to urinate, but the process itself is painful and difficult;
- weak orgasm effect (also called "erased orgasm");
- increased fatigue and often for no apparent reason;
- decreased erectile function;
- regular stressful condition.
Important to remember!Detection of these symptoms requires an immediate visit to a doctor to influence the disease at its very beginning. The development of chronic prostatitis proceeds in an unexpressed form, but is fraught with its consequences and complications.
Disease Diagnostics
Prostatitis in men is diagnosed primarily based on the analysis of patient complaints. With the help of a specially compiled questionnaire, the doctor finds out and studies the symptoms of the disease.
Further diagnostic measures are carried out:
- study of the composition of the prostate secretion (if there is no acute form of the disease: it is impossible to carry out the procedure with it due to severe pain);
- palpation rectal examination;
- ultrasound examination of the prostate to confirm suspicion of prostatitis and make an accurate diagnosis;
- biopsy;
- tomography (computed / magnetic-nuclear) of the small pelvis - if necessary;
- cystoscopy;
- urography.
In addition, men undergo some general tests that can clarify the picture of the disease:
- uroflowmetry;
- urine sample, measured in three glasses;
- study according to Mears & Stamey, measured with two glasses of urine (the first portion excludes urethral contamination (infection, infection), the second - the absence / presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, bladder);
- urine sample to determine its residual volume, ultrasound of the prostate gland;
- clinical urinalysis;
- medium portion of urine for microbiological examination.
The diagnosis requires differentiation of prostatitis with cystitis, urethritis, prostate adenoma, and prostate cancer.
A man should refrain from sexual intercourse for five days before the appointment of an ultrasound examination. On the eve of this day, you must apply a cleansing enema, and before entering the ultrasound room, urinate.
How prostatitis is treated
There is no standard treatment for prostatitis. A comprehensive therapeutic approach prescribed by a doctor is carried out on an individual basis and has adjustments in its process for greater efficiency. When treating the prostate gland, the form of the disease is taken into account. For example, the acute form is easier to cure than the chronic one.
Prostatitis is mainly treated conservatively and on an outpatient basis.
An integrated approach is:
- Antibacterial therapy (sanitation of places infected with bacteria).
- Improving the blood supply to the prostate (massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises).
The use of physical therapy methods is carried out with the following goals:
- Relief of the inflammatory process (by means of anti-inflammatory methods), reduction of pain (by means of analgesic methods).
- Reduction of stagnant processes, changes of a sclerotic nature in the future (by defibrosing methods of treatment).
- Strengthening the protective properties of the body (by means of immunostimulating methods).
Prostatitis treatment is usually done in conjunction with prostate massage. The procedure, due to its delicacy, is often considered humiliating by men, but it has very good effectiveness. Prostate massage can be performed at home, but for this you need to purchase a special hardware device.
Medication for the treatment of prostatitis
The therapeutic approach is carried out through the administration of drugs. The treatment regimen uses antibiotics, since only they are able to destroy the causative agents of the disease. What drugs to take, the doctor decides on the basis of the results of analyzes and studies. The patient, waiting for the appointment of a suitable antibiotic, takes drugs for anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and other directions.
Antibiotic therapy involves the use of acceptable doses and route of administration. The optimal dose of an antibiotic is considered to be the one that has doubled or tripled "efforts" against the concentration of pathogens.
In the case of chronic prostatitis, which usually occurs on the basis of immunodeficiency, antibiotic therapy is carried out in conjunction with immunocorrective drugs.
The best massage for treatment is sex
Doctors believe that the natural way of massage in the treatment of prostatitis is the orgasm obtained during sex. The ejaculation of sperm occurs with active muscle contraction in the anus, which is also effective for the prostate: it is successfully massaged during this. Many have heard that it is forbidden to have sex for the entire period of treatment, but this is not true. The main thing is, if possible, not to change former partners (so that microflora "do not conflict"), not to interrupt or prolong sexual intercourse.
In the absence of a sexual partner, doctors recommend masturbation to free the prostate gland and seminal ducts from stagnant processes. Horror stories about the dangers of masturbation should be taken as jokes, but you should not forget about moderation and personal hygiene.
It is impossible to overcome prostatitis with sex and medications, you should lead an active lifestyle, have proper rest and nutrition, sleep well, avoid stressful situations. Alternative methods of treatment are also welcome, but are applied after consulting a doctor.
Important to know!Taking antibiotics also includes probiotics in order to avoid cases of dysbiosis and other negative aspects.
Surgical treatment of the prostate
Surgical treatment is used for advanced stages of prostatitis:
- with disease progression;
- in case of an abscess inside the prostate;
- for cysts or strictures.
These situations require radical solutions to eliminate the inflammatory process.
The type of operation used takes into account aspects of the disease, the patient's condition.
Operations prescribed by a doctor are divided into types, namely:
- Transurethral resection.During surgery, the closed removal of the prostate gland is performed by using a tube inserted through the urethra.
- Transurethral incision.The tissue near the neck of the bladder is cut, thereby relieving pressure on it. Such an operation is indicated for men with a slight increase in the prostate. Complications practically do not arise, patients recover quickly.
- Radical prostatectomy.In this case, the entire prostate is removed. This type of operation is difficult, traumatic, accompanied by significant blood loss.
Traditional medicine for the treatment of prostatitis
Alternative medicine offers over a hundred recipes designed to combat prostatitis, alleviate symptoms, and complement mainstream treatments. It is worth remembering that not all of the proposed options may be suitable for a person with a certain form of the disease, some can cause an allergic reaction and other complications.
We offer several proven, popular and effective recipes:
- Pumpkin seeds.They contain a large amount of zinc, which the male body needs. A man should eat 30-35 raw seeds per day for preventive and therapeutic purposes. You can make special balls from seeds crushed in a blender (without peel), mixed with honey (200 ml). From the resulting mass, mold balls the size of walnuts, put in the refrigerator. Eat 1 ball twice a day, half an hour before meals, chewing slowly, sucking the healing juices out of it. Powerful and effective, it can be used once a year.
- Juices from vegetables and fruits.Help the body to produce more uric acid. Natural freshly squeezed juices from cucumbers, carrots, asparagus are especially successful in this. They can be drunk in a mixture, varying the proportions of each to your taste. It is required to consume more than half a liter of liquids per day in several doses.
- Natural honey.As well as beekeeping products have proven to be excellent in the treatment of prostatitis. Herbal medicine based on them has a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. For example:
- Propolis candles.40 g of propolis are evaporated in a glass of alcohol, then this extract (0. 1 g) is mixed with two grams of rye flour and cocoa. Candles are formed, inserted into the rectum before a night's sleep for a month.
- Propolis tincture.20% tincture (40 drops) diluted with water (100 ml), taken before meals for 20 minutes.
- Herbal infusion with honey.It is used for acute prostatitis. Calendula flowers (30 g), horsetail herb (25 g), elecampane root (15 g), leaves of dioecious nettle, salvia officinalis, mint (10 g of each plant) are crushed and mixed. Then take three tablespoons from the resulting mixture and pour them with half a liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for three hours, strain, add honey to taste, drink a third of a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
- Red root decoction.Chopped root (25 g) is poured with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour in a thermos, drink three times a day before meals for a third of a glass. You can add milk, honey. This tea is recognized as the best remedy for prostatitis.
- Pharmacy chamomile.10 g are poured into 100 ml of very hot water, infused for half an hour, filtered. Used as a solution for microclysters (70-80 ml).
- Wild pear.Patients observe the effect a few days after the start of taking pear compote / tea. With prolonged use, there is an almost complete cure of prostatitis. Fruits and leaves are used not only fresh, but also dried to prepare a potion in winter. This drink is an excellent preventive measure.
The list of folk recipes is endless, but only a doctor will recommend in each case one or more important ones in an integrated approach to treatment.
Prostatitis prevention
Measures to prevent disease, relapse in chronic course are based on:
- active and healthy lifestyle;
- going in for sports, physical education;
- cessation of tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption;
- having sex with a regular partner (promiscuity in relationships will lead to sexually transmitted infections that provoke prostatitis);
- having regular sex life and achieving ejaculation;
- regular (twice a year) follow-up by a urologist;
- timely treatment of urological diseases;
- a balanced diet;
- respect for your own health.