Prostate inflammation occurs in different forms and reaches different stages. Calculous prostatitis is a type of disease characterized by the formation of stones in the prostate with subsequent harmful consequences.
What is this disease?
Calculous prostatitis refers to a fairly rare form of prostate problems. It develops against the background of chronic inflammation and other diseases. It is accompanied by a deterioration in visual acuity, problem urination, pain in the perineum and lower abdomen.
There are two types of ailment:
- True- stones are formed directly in the prostate gland and are formed from calcium, phosphoric acid salts;
- False- conglomerates enter the prostate from other organs and are obtained from urea salts.
Entities vary in size and number. Prostate stones are also classified into 2 types:
- Endogenous- obtained in chronic prostatitis, as a complication, increase the likelihood of stagnant processes;
- Exogenous- occur as a result of untreated diseases of the genitourinary system, often impede the excretion of urine.
The main danger of chronic calculous prostatitis is a rapid deterioration in the general health of a man, the development of complications, the appearance of new inflammations in other systems and organs.
Stones in the prostate gland are formed for the following reasons: stagnation of prostatic secretion and the penetration of urine into the organ.
The first occurrence is called:
- Acute or chronic prostatitis;
- Adenoma;
- Cancer.
An abnormality such as the ingress of urine into the ducts of the prostate is caused by the following factors:
- Regular inflammation of the urinary system;
- Injuries to the genitals;
- Surgical intervention;
- Stones in the bladder and kidneys;
- Bladder catheterization.
The predisposition to calculous disease is also due to several prerequisites:
- Neglect of regular hygiene procedures;
- Bad habits;
- Irregular intimate life, rare sexual contacts;
- Decreased immune system function;
- Constant exposure to stress;
- Impact of negative environmental factors;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- Abuse of unhealthy food;
- Hormonal failure;
- Exposure to chronic constipation.
Diagnosis: Symptoms and Signs in Men
Signs of calculous prostatitis are expressed in:
- Soreness in the groin and lower abdomen, extending to the lower back, pelvis, scrotum;
- Disorder of urine excretion, accompanied by pain syndrome, frequent urge, a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder;
- The presence of bloody impurities in semen or urine;
- Pain after emptying the bladder or bowels, sexual intercourse, physical activity;
- Erectile dysfunction.
In the absence of proper treatment, additional symptoms appear after 1-2 months:
- Increased irritability;
- Rapid fatigability;
- Sleep disorder;
- General weakness;
- Severe headaches;
- Temperature rise.
To identify calculous prostatitis, you need to see a doctor. After the initial examination and collection of anamnesis, the urologist is assigned:
- Blood and urine tests, including microflora culture;
- Monitoring of the urine excretion regime (uroflowmetry);
- Study of prostatic secretion;
- Prostate-specific antigen detection;
- Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs and the prostate gland;
- Test by Meares.
How to treat calculous prostatitis, what to do?
Dealing with stones requires an integrated approach. Treatment of calculous prostatitis includes taking medications, support with folk remedies. The effect on the prostate with a laser and some physiotherapy techniques also shows itself effectively.

The drugs of first choice in the treatment of calculous prostatitis are antibiotics. Specific drugs or injections are prescribed depending on the test results.
The following categories of antibacterial medicines are most commonly recommended:
- Penicillins;
- Fluoroquinolones are considered the most effective. For use, it is necessary to exclude prostate tuberculosis;
- Tetracyclines - provoke side effects;
- Cephalosporins - indicated in cases where intramuscular injections are required.
In addition, biologically active additives are included in the treatment of calculous pathology, which have a complex effect on prostate tissues, activate blood flow, enhance cell regeneration, prevent impotence, and prevent complications.
Also included in the therapeutic scheme are:
- Pain relief drugs;
- Medicines that suppress inflammation and reduce swelling;
- Vitamin complexes;
- Preparations to improve blood circulation;
- Medicines that strengthen the immune system.
Is it possible to do massage for calculous prostatitis?
Many forms of prostatitis are effectively treated by direct massage of the gland, however, in the calculous form, such an effect is categorically excluded. It is possible to resort to sessions only after the removal of stones (and even then, only as prescribed by a doctor).
IMPORTANT:some urologists in their works point to a direct connection between the functioning of the prostate and the normal activity of the spine. Thus, a massage of the spinal column and a special effect on biological points can be offered as an additional treatment.

The following areas of the body are kneaded during the procedure:
- Feet - the outflow of venous blood from the pelvic organs is activated and soreness decreases;
- Pelvis - facilitates the processes of defecation and urination;
- Buttocks - reduces sperm congestion;
- Loins - prostate function is stabilized.
Folk remedies for calculous prostatitis: the most effective
Folk remedies also help relieve calculous prostatitis and speed up recovery.
The following are considered highly effective for stones:
- Herbal infusion.Mix the naked hernia and the black letter in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the collection into 0. 5 liters of boiling water. Insist until cool. Drink ½ cup 20 minutes before each main meal;
- Rosehip root decoction. Grind dry roots. Pour 30 g with 250 ml of pure water and cook for a minute over high heat. Leave for 2 hours and pass through cheesecloth. Drink during the day instead of regular tea;
- Parsley broth. Put 30 g of plant seeds in a saucepan. Pour in a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Allow to cool. Take a teaspoon up to 6 times a day;
- Healing gathering.Mix sage, nettle, chamomile inflorescences, calamus, bearberry and plantain in equal parts. Stir and take 30 g. Pour the mixture with 0. 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 10 ml three times a day;
- Infusion of hawthorn. Place 3 tablespoons of plant berries in a thermos. Add 3 cups of boiling water there. After three hours, the infusion is ready. It is recommended to drink 3 glasses of the drink a day;
- Juice mixture.Squeeze the asparagus juice to make 600 ml. This is the portion to be drunk throughout the day. It is recommended to add juices of beets, cucumbers, carrots to the liquid (in any concentration of priority to taste);
- Cinnamon mint tea.Put a cinnamon stick and a spoonful of mint leaves in a teapot, pour seven hundred milliliters of freshly boiled water. Wait for the drink to brew, add some honey and lime (or lemon) juice. Drink after each meal instead of tea;
- Pumpkin seeds. It is recommended to eat thirty before breakfast. It is important that the seeds are raw (not roasted).

Laser therapy is a relatively new technique that cures chronic calculous prostatitis. The technology is most widely used in clinics in Israel. The method consists in the introduction into the body of an instrument called a microprobe-optical fiber. Due to the fineness of the beam, stones are destroyed pointwise, healthy tissues are not affected.
Concretions are crushed into smaller parts and gradually excreted in the form of sand from the body along with urine. Doctors insist that this method must be combined with medication.
The duration of one session is usually between ten and fifteen minutes. To completely remove and remove stones from the prostate gland, six to ten sessions are required, depending on the severity of the pathology.
Additional Techniques
Indicated for calculous prostatitis and physiotherapy procedures. Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a technique that allows you to effectively crush stones.
The mechanism of action of shock wave therapy consists in the effect of acoustic impulses inaudible to a person on the prostate. They are recreated using special equipment. Waves easily pass through healthy tissues, affecting pathological seals.
The following manipulations are also useful for treatment:

- Ultrasound - reduces pain, suppresses inflammation;
- Magnetic therapy - eliminates puffiness and improves blood flow;
- Treatment with low-frequency current - gives an analgesic effect, increases the tone of the gland, normalizes blood microcirculation;
- Hydrogen sulfide baths - indicated for significant circulatory disorders;
- Application of silt and peat mud - stimulates tissue healing.
If all else fails, an operation is assigned. In the process, part of the prostate is removed along with the stones. Refers to radical methods.
Prevention Tips
You can reduce the risk of calculous prostatitis by following simple recommendations provided by urologists:
- Have a regular sex life;
- Use barrier contraceptives (in case of uncertainty about the partner's health);
- Avoid prolonged exposure to cold on the body;
- Do daily exercises and visit the gym several times a week;
- Get rid of bad habits (if any);
- Timely treat any diseases and complete their treatment to the end;
- Annually undergo preventive examinations by a therapist and narrow specialists;
- Adjust the daily diet;
- Allow enough time for rest and proper sleep.
Prostate stones are a painful and dangerous ailment that can provoke serious complications. It is important to visit a doctor at the first sign of inflammation and, if necessary, undergo a full diagnosis. The strict implementation of medical recommendations on the part of a man is the key to prevention, as well as (in case of illness) a speedy recovery and return to a full life.